YAMANA GOLD INC. ()() ("Yamana" or "the Company") today announcedChristiane Bergevinand Jane Sadowsky have joined its Board of Directors ("the Board").

Classified as: BCom Alumni, Bachelor of Commerce (BCom)
Published on: 8 Sep 2014

This isKarl Mooreof the Desautels Faculty of Management at , talking management for The Globe and Mail. Today, I am delighted to speak to [management professor] Adam Grant from the Wharton School [at the University of Pennsylvania].

Classified as: Talking Management, Karl Moore, the globe and mail, Professor, wharton school, Associate Professor, Adam Grant
Published on: 8 Sep 2014

It takes a certain type of courage to bite the hand that feeds you. Dr Shahid Qureshi is a fierce critic of the way business schools churn out graduates in Pakistan and elsewhere in the world.

Classified as: Henry Mintzberg, management, Professor, cleghorn professor, the express tribune
Published on: 8 Sep 2014

Hot Cities of the World Tour

What it's all about: "A once in a lifetime opportunity to travel to Mongolia and South Korea (in 2014). Amidst sightseeing to 1,200 year old temples, going on horseback excursions, and visiting a towering statue of Genghis Khan, students met with business executives from a variety of industries such as banking, technology, and food and beverage as well as with public and non-profit leaders."

Where:(but around the world)

Classified as: Desautels Faculty of Management, Hot Cities of the World Tour, Bachelor of Commerce (BCom)
Published on: 8 Sep 2014

Tahun lalu, tim mahasiswaMBA dari Kanadamemenangkan $1 juta (Rp 11,8 miliar) dari kompetisiHult Prize. Mereka berhasil menciptakan 'power flour', yakni tepung lokal (gandum, jagung, singkong, dll) yang dicampur tepung serangga lokal.

Read the full article (in Indonesian):

Classified as: MBA, Hult Prize, MBA Program, detikfood
Published on: 8 Sep 2014

Canadian coffee giant Tim Hortons has been acquired by Burger King and Canadians are worried. ’sProf. Karl Mooreexplains what can change about your coffee experience.

Watch full video:

Classified as: Karl Moore, Professor, Burger King, Tim Hortons, Associate Professor, coffee, experience
Published on: 29 Aug 2014

Matt Galloway spoke withKarl Moore. He is an airline industry consultant and an associate professor at in Montreal.

Listen to the episode:

Classified as: Karl Moore, airline industry, Associate Professor, air rage, cbc toronto, consultant
Published on: 29 Aug 2014

Powered by Blackboard Mobile, the Desautels App brings an interactive campus experience to members of the Desautels community.

Classified as: Desautels Faculty of Management, App
Published on: 28 Aug 2014

Great minds may think alike, but for some MBA programs, different minds can lead to great thinking.

...Cross-disciplinary connections whether across faculties or industry enhance the value of an MBA for both the student and industry, saidDon Melville, director of the Masters Program at Desautels Faculty of Management in Montreal.

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Classified as: MBA, Director, Masters in Business Administration (MBA), masters in management, Don Melville, financial post
Published on: 28 Aug 2014

At 34, Daniel Schwartz isn’t exactly a child anymore. But it’s certainly tempting to label him as some kind of “wunderkind” given his meteoric career trajectory. He was 33 when he landed the top executive job at Burger King.

Classified as: MBA, alumni, MBA Alumni, TELUS, Masters in Business Administration (MBA), CEO, Darren Entwistle
Published on: 28 Aug 2014

Executive MBA degrees are renowned for providing candidates with the skills and confidence to embark on a career change. For corporate attorney,France Margaret Bélanger, the qualification from-HEC Montrealsaw her career change from legal practice to the ice hockey arena with the Montreal Canadiens.

Classified as: EMBA, EMBA Alumni, -HEC Executive MBA (EMBA), topMBA, -HEC Montreal Executive MBA (EMBA), France Margaret Bélanger
Published on: 28 Aug 2014

This IsKarl Mooreof the Desautels Faculty of Management at , Talking Management for The Globe and Mail. Today I am delighted to speak to Northwestern’s Keith Murnighan.

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Classified as: Karl Moore, employee, the globe and mail, Professor, Associate Professor, Keith Murnighan, northwestern university
Published on: 28 Aug 2014

ProfVedat Verterdiscusses a new train safety report.

Watch full video:

Classified as: Vedat Verter, Professor, CTV Montreal, freight trains
Published on: 28 Aug 2014

On dit souvent qu’Oprah Winfrey a le pouvoir de faire ou de défaire les rois. Le business deBenjamin Bernet, un Français de New York, lui doit en tout cas beaucoup.

...Ce Parisien au CV sans faute (études à , MBA à l’Insead) était il y a peu à la tête du marketing des parfumsArmani chez L’Oréal, à New York.

Read full article (in French):

Classified as: BCom Alumni, Bachelor of Commerce (BCom)
Published on: 28 Aug 2014

The chief executive officer of a major Canadian multinational came to our MBA CEO Insights class and told us that, as an introverted leader, he had to put on his “game face” whenever he left his floor.

Classified as: MBA, Karl Moore, the globe and mail, leaders, CEO, introverts, sienna zampino
Published on: 28 Aug 2014


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