
The problem is not that Bombardier Inc. played a complex shell game since at least 2010 by refinancing and redirecting US$500 million of its financing activities to Luxembourg, a notorious tax haven.
...ÌýKen Lester, adjunct professor of finance at º«¹úÂãÎè’s Desautels Faculty of Management, said in an interview that “this is a social thing we have to resolve.â€

Classified as: bombardier, Ken Lester
Published on: 22 Dec 2014

When your correspondent entered the leadership field in the early nineties, not long after starting work as a middle manager, the economy was rebounding from a recession and a new buzz around leadership was emerging. Fueled by the writings of a growing cast of respected thinkers, this buzz not only re-introduced the writings of such luminaries as Peter Drucker, Mary Parker Follett and Jay Forrester, but also sought to explore the interconnection between leadership andÌý³¾²¹²Ô²¹²µ±ð³¾±ð²Ô³Ù.

Classified as: Henry Mintzberg
Published on: 22 Dec 2014

Everyone is looking to start-ups in Silicon Valley to find the next big thing in the business world, but what if the next big thing in business education isn’t coming from a start-up or even a big name school in the US, but from established institutions in Europe.

Classified as: Henry Mintzberg, business education
Published on: 22 Dec 2014

This is Karl Moore of the Desautels Faculty of Management at º«¹úÂãÎè, talking management for The Globe and Mail. Today, I am delighted to speak to Mitch Joel, who is the president of Twist Image, one of the top digital marketing firms in the world.

Read full transcript:Ìý, December , 2014

Classified as: Karl Moore, social media, twist image
Published on: 22 Dec 2014

Cuba has always held a certain allure for the traveller: the music, the food, the beaches and even the cigars.
...Ìýº«¹úÂãÎè business professor Karl Moore said that while Canadian sun seekers won’t likely feel an immediate impact from the news, he expects U.S. companies will begin to think about investing there.

Read full article:Ìý, December 17, 2014

Classified as: Cuba, Ken Lester, tourism
Published on: 22 Dec 2014

Neil Petroff, Executive Vice-President and Chief Investment Officer, Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan (Teachers’), is pleased to announce the promotion of Stephen McLennan to Vice-President, Natural Resources. Mr. McLennan reports to Ziad Hindo, Senior Vice-President, Tactical Asset Allocation & Natural Resources.


Read full article: , December 16, 2014


Classified as: Stephen McLennan
Published on: 16 Dec 2014

By DaHee Han

There are ways to ensure marketers are not fumbling in the dark when it comes to getting the most out of using emotion in their marketing campaigns. From billboards and adverts to their company website, my research shows that emotions such as shame and guilt can be used to create a favourable response from consumers.

Classified as: Marketing, Master of Business Administration (MBA), Bachelor of Commerce (BCom)
Published on: 11 Dec 2014

The Social Business Academia Report 2014 gives a comprehensive overview about many of the social business initiatives that take place at universities around the world. Social businesses aim to solve social problems in a financially self-sustainable way.

... Robert J. David is Associate Professor of Strategy & Organization and the Cleghorn Faculty Scholar at the Desautels Faculty of Management, º«¹úÂãÎè. He is also Director of the Centre for Strategy Studies in Organization at º«¹úÂãÎè.Ìý

Classified as: Robert David, Strategy & Organization, Centre for Strategy Studies in Organizations (CSSO)
Published on: 11 Dec 2014

Mallurile cu cele mai mari vânzări de pe piaţa locală - AFI Palace Cotroceni şi Băneasa Shopping City din Bucureşti - sunt conduse de doi manageri străini - israelianul Israel Vizel şi grecul Georgios Argentopoulos -, în timp ce proprietarii altor zece centre comerciale importante au decis să lase administrarea pe mâna unor manageri români, reiese dintr-o analiză a ZF.

...ÌýGeorgios Argentopoulos

CEO, Băneasa Developments

Classified as: MBA Alumni, CEO, MBA Program, Băneasa Developments, Georgios Argentopoulos
Published on: 11 Dec 2014

I have been interviewing CEO’s for my new book on emotional power. I interview those who are at the top of their game to get advice for my new book and for our newÌýÌýcertification program.

...Ìý“Maybe I will find freedom and happiness after I retire.â€

Classified as: Nancy Adler, HR, TED talk
Published on: 11 Dec 2014

This is Karl Moore of the Desautels Faculty of Management at º«¹úÂãÎè, talking management for The Globe and Mail. Today, I am delighted to speak to Andrew Shipilov from [international business school] Insead, just outside of Paris.

When you look at alliances, trust is really important. Tell us more about this.

Read full article: , December 9, 2014

Classified as: Karl Moore, Talking Management, Master of Business Administration (MBA), Bachelor of Commerce (BCom)
Published on: 11 Dec 2014

Strategic management focuses solely on the process a business goes through in creating a sustainable competitive advantage. Just as there’s usually more than one option for solving most business problems, there’s more than one school of thought for creating a strategic management plan. Some of the most commonly implemented by both large and small businesses are those identified by Henry Mintzberg, Bruce Ahlstrand and Joseph Lampel in 1998.

... Small-Business Significance

Classified as: Henry Mintzberg, strategic management
Published on: 11 Dec 2014

Article byÌýKarl Moore

Many managers today don’t relish giving feedback. In the past, feedback was associated with the annual review, a thoroughly unenjoyable hour where everyone involved couldn’t wait for it to end. Today with Millennials as the future of our organizations, feedback is more central to the role of manager than ever before.

...ÌýThis was written with Sema Burney.

Classified as: Karl Moore, MBA Alumni, forbes, millennials, MBA Program, Sema Burney
Published on: 11 Dec 2014

Une nouvelle politique anticorruption adoptée sans consultations formelles au printemps dernier par Travaux publics et Services gouvernementaux Canada (TPSGC) suscite un tollé dans le monde des affaires, en plus de soulever des questions sur l'avenir de SNC-Lavalin...

Classified as: Paul Kalyta
Published on: 5 Dec 2014

Depuis 30 ans, les approches médicales et diététiques ont montré leurs limites.

... "Derrière chaque obèse, il y a un individu, et cet individu ne peut être dissocié de l'écosystème dans leque il se trouve.", ajoute Laurette Dubé, professeure à la faculté de Management Desautels et présidente et présidente fondatrice et directrice scientifique du Centre de la convergence en santé et économie de l'Université º«¹úÂãÎè.

Classified as: Laurette Dube, MCCHE
Published on: 5 Dec 2014


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