Written by Reuven Brenner

George Akerlof’s and Robert Shiller’s (Nobels in economics) new book, titled Phishing for Phools: The Economics of Manipulation and Deception declares on its first page that people “do not do what is really good for them; they do not choose what they really want.” It appears that a main preoccupation of economists – the self declared “behavioral economists” prominent among them – is to show how dumb people are as consumers and in assessing risks.

Classified as: Reuven Brenner
Published on: 18 Dec 2015

Lors d’un séjour humanitaire en Haïti en 2010 pour combattre l’épidémie de choléra après le séisme, le Dr Abdo Shabah a constaté à quel point le manque d’accès à l’internet compliquait la gestion de l’information sur le terrain. Les données concernant les patients et leurs besoins étaient enregistrées et transmises sur des papiers imbibés de chlore. Les cartes des lieux transformés par le tremblement de terre et la réorganisation du terrain étaient mises à jour à la main.

Classified as: EMBA Alumni, Abdo Shabah
Published on: 18 Dec 2015

Le Défi 100 jours tire à sa fin pour les leaders et les participantes de L’effet A. Afin de donner un dernier petit coup de fouet à l’ambition des filles qui se préparent pour l’ultime étape de leur parcours, Diane Giard a prévu une rencontre inspirante avec une femme d’affaires et philanthrope reconnue venue de Los Angeles. Tout juste descendue de l’avion, Joey Adler, à qui l’on doit le succès canadien de la célèbre marque de vêtement Diesel, s’est donc adressée aux participantes.

Classified as: EMBA Alumni, Joey Adler
Published on: 18 Dec 2015

Dialogic, a global networking software and infrastructure solution provider, announced today that Christian Primeau has joined Dialogic as the Chief Operating Officer. This is a new position in the company.

Read full article: , December 2, 2015

Classified as: EMBA Alumni, Christian Primeau
Published on: 18 Dec 2015

Depuis plusieurs mois, le président du Groupe Bertrand Rioux, François Rioux, s’est donné comme objectif d’amasser 250 000$ auprès de 50 entrepreneurs de la région, dans le but de mettre sur pied un fonds dédié à la création de nouvelles entreprises et de nouveaux emplois dans la MRC de Matane.

Classified as: EMBA Alumni, François Rioux
Published on: 18 Dec 2015

Lavery est fier d’annoncer que Me Guillaume Lavoie, associé du cabinet en droit des affaires, a remporté le prix Avocat JBM de l’année 2015 dans la catégorie Droit corporatif, remis lors du Gala JBM « Les leaders de demain » qui s’est déroulé au Théâtre Rialto, le 26 novembre dernier.

Lire l'article complet: , le 30 novembre 2015

Classified as: Guillaume Lavoie, EMBA participant
Published on: 18 Dec 2015

Desautels Honours in Investment Management students Drew Allen and Philippe Rich won the 2015 Harvard Financial Analysts Symposium. In this competition, students had to present a stock pitch of professional quality to a panel of industry experts. The honours students collected the top prize of $1,000 based on the merits of their investment thesis, rigorous analysis, and in-depth research.

Classified as: Current Students, Drew Allen, Philippe Rich, Bachelor of Commerce (BCom)
Published on: 15 Dec 2015

Usman W. Chohan has an MBA from Desautels (2014) in Strategy and Leadership. He has served as a consultant at the World Bank Institute (WBI), and as Special Situations Analyst in Global Equities at Natcan Investment Management, investment arm of the National Bank of Canada. He has been a participant in various important climate initiatives in 2015 including the Pacific Island Development Forum (PIDF) 3rd Summit in Suva, Fiji.   

Classified as: Usman W. Chohan
Published on: 11 Dec 2015

Congratulations to our 48 GCPA students for successfully passing the first Common Final Examination (CFE) including 3 students on the provincial honour roll!

Provincial Honour Roll Recipients

Christopher De Santis
Melissa Marginson
Lauren Prorok


Classified as: Graduate Certificate in Professional Accounting (GCPA Program), CFE. Common Final Examination
Published on: 11 Dec 2015

The third installation of  Innovation Week took place in November 2015, featuring nineteen events which integrated  students and faculty with the local Montreal innovation community.

Classified as: Marcel Desautels Institute for Integrated Management, SEI, Social Economy Initiative, Past MDIIM
Published on: 7 Dec 2015

BMO Financial Group and Catalyst Canada have announced the launch of the BMO Millennial Leaders Advisory Council on Inclusion. The Group is made up of 30 female student leaders from universities across Canada.

Classified as: Desautels Faculty of Management, Morty Yalovsky, Interim Dean Morty Yalovsky, BMO Financial Group and Catalyst
Published on: 7 Dec 2015

This is Karl Moore of the Desautels Faculty of Management at with Talking Management for The Globe and Mail. I am delighted to sit down the CEO of Brain Canada, Inez Jabalpurwala.

Classified as: Karl Moore, MBA Alumni, the globe and mail, Inez Jabalpurwala
Published on: 4 Dec 2015

Van de Water-Raymond, entreprise familiale de services 3PL de logistique et de gestion, est fière d'annoncer la nomination de monsieur Claude Hardy au poste de Vice-président directeur général, Ventes et Marketing pour le marché du Québec. Il veillera, entre autres, à gérer efficacement l'ensemble de l'équipe des ventes afin de permettre l'atteinte des objectifs d'affaires de la société.

Read full article: , December 1, 2015

Classified as: BCom Alumni, Claude Hardy
Published on: 4 Dec 2015

Innovation Week took place for a third year in a row this November and the third time was certainly a charm.Nineteen events integrated the student and faculty community with the Montreal innovation community to demonstrate how people can collaborate to create novel ideas that will drive our future.

Classified as: Dobson Centre for Entrepreneurship, Innovation Week, Dobson Centre for Entrepreneurship
Published on: 4 Dec 2015

Article written by Professor Henry Mintzberg.

In 1989, as the Berlin Wall fell alongside communism in Eastern Europe, pundits in the West proclaimed the triumph of capitalism. The American historian Francis Fukuyama even declared “the end of history,” writing in National Interest‘s summer 1989 issue that he saw “the universalization of Western liberal democracy as the final form of human government.”

Read full article: , December 3, 2015

Classified as: Henry Mintzberg, harvard business review, capitalism
Published on: 4 Dec 2015


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