De passage à Montréal, la primatologue Jane Goodall a dénoncé l’élevage animal intensif qui est pratiqué dans les pays riches. S’adressant à une assemblée de vétérinaires, elle a toutefois avoué ne pas savoir comment s’attaquer à ce problème. Les travaux d’une chercheuse de l’Université s’intéressant à l’élevage des vaches laitières devraient apporter certains éléments de réponse à cette vaste problématique.

Classified as: animal welfare, Elsa Vasseur
Published on: 14 Oct 2016

Elena M. Bennett of the Department of Natural Resource Sciences is the lead author of Bright Spots: seeds of a good Anthropocene. "The paper describes an effort to identify and propagate social and environmental projects that could reverse a centuries-long pattern in which human prosperity has come at the cost of substantial harm to ecosystems and excluded communities. "

Classified as: Department of Natural Resource Sciences, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Macdonald Campus, School of Environment
Published on: 7 Oct 2016

Microbiologist Brian Driscoll took over the helm of the Department of Natural Resource Sciences (NRS) on September 1st.

Growing up in Dundas, ON, Driscoll discovered his love science and agriculture at a young age, thanks to the influence of two uncles - one an organic chemistry professor and the other an apple grower. Through stints as a lifeguard and swimming instructor, he discovered that teaching was something he excelled at and enjoyed.

Published on: 4 Oct 2016

29-year-old the lead agronomist for a Whistler marijuana company

As a 14-year-old loading soil at a Quebec poinsettiagreenhouse, David Bernard-Perron[BSc (AES)'12, MSc'15]never would have expected he'd grow up to be the lead agronomistfor a marijuana company in Whistler.

But at 29, that's exactly what he's doing, and the company he works for is at the forefront of quickly growing industry.

Classified as: Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Macdonald Campus, plant science
Published on: 29 Sep 2016

[Former Macdonald student] Prosanta Chakrabarty travels the world searching for fish that few humans have ever seen. The LSU researcher wants to learn what these underwater unknowns can teach about evolution and the history of the earth.

He's a modern-day explorer, swimming through murky waters and diving into caves in search of seldom-seen species.

Classified as: discovering fish species
Published on: 27 Sep 2016

How do you measure hunger? If anyone can tell you, it’s Hugo Melgar-Quiñonez, Margaret Gilliam Faculty Scholar in Food Security and Director of the Institute for Global Food Security.

“Hunger and food insecurity are very complex phenomena affecting people and countries in different ways,” says Melgar-Quiñonez. “In order to estimate how many people are undernourished or food insecure, we needed diverse methods of quantifying hunger.”

Classified as: global food security, Hugo Melagr-Quiñonez, hunger, Institute for Global Food Security, measuring hunger
Published on: 27 Sep 2016

Margaret A. Gilliam Fellowship recipient June Po is a PhD candidate in the Department of Natural Resource Sciences; June works on food security, focusing on the relationships between food security and women’s access to land resources in dryland Kenya. In early 2015, she returned to the rural communities in Kenya to report her research findings to smallholder farmers. This effort has so far been extremely valuable, as she learned multiple ways of translating research into practice.

Classified as: food security, global food security, Kenya, land resources, nutritional security, Research
Published on: 27 Sep 2016

Fifteen of the Faculty's brightest students, all holding either NSERC or CIHR Summer Scholarships, or Alumni Donor-supported awards, competed in the 10th Annual USRA poster presentation which featuring projects they undertook over the summer. Says Philippe Seguin, Acting Associate Dean (Research), "It is incredible to see the research skills that these students have developed and the progress they have made in such a short time."

Classified as: USRA Poster presenations
Published on: 14 Sep 2016

Congratulations to Hoshahalli S. Ramaswamy of the Department of Food Science and Agricultural Chemistry who will be inducted into the Royal Society of Canada on November 18, in Kingston, Ontario. The Royal Society of Canada announced the 2016 Fellows on September 7; Professor Ramaswamy is one of ten researchers this year to receive this honour.

Classified as: Hosahalli Ramaswamy, royal society of canada
Published on: 8 Sep 2016

Please join the Mac Community in congratulating Professor Jim Fyles on his new appointment as Macdonald's Associate Dean ( Students Affairs).

Classified as: Assocaite Dean (Student Affairs), Jim Fyles, Macdonald Campus
Published on: 18 Aug 2016

Canadian discovery may soon lead to the prevention of cardiac fibrosis

Groundbreaking research from the University of Alberta and has opened the door towards the future prevention of cardiac fibrosis—a condition leading to heart failure for which there is currently no treatment.

Classified as: cardiac fibrosis, heart health, Luis Agellon, Research
Published on: 27 Jul 2016

For the second consecutive year, Macdonald Food Science teams have won big, Two teams — Rephyll and Fitamin Multimeal — took first place in their categories at the annual New Product Development Competitions, held as part of the 2016 Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) Conference.

Classified as: Fitamin Multimeal, food science, IFT, new products, novel products, Rephyll
Published on: 25 Jul 2016

Congratulations to James Professor Xin Zhao who received the 2016 West Agro Inc. Award from the American Dairy Science Association (ADSA).

The award is given to one individual each year "to recognize outstanding research of milk quality as affected by control of mastitis, management of milking, and practices in production of milk."

The award was presented at a ceremony during the annual meeting of the ADSA in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Classified as: American Dairy Science Association, award, milk research, Xin Zhao
Published on: 25 Jul 2016


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