[...] « Dans l'essai, la grande majorité des vaches sont allées et sont restées au pâturage », observe Elsa Vasseur, de l'université de . Cela a représenté entre 90 à 98 % de l'effectif en semaine 1, 2 et 4. En semaine 3, seulement 40 % des vaches ont choisi le pâturage, « probablement en raison des températures plus froides associées à des conditions pluvieuses et venteuses ».

Classified as: cows, grazing
Published on: 28 Feb 2018

De plus en plus de consommateurs se tournent vers des substituts aux protéines provenant de la viande, entre autres les protéines de sources végétales. [...] Pascal Thériault, agroéconomiste à l'Université , nous parle des changements à prévoir dans le monde agricole en matière de cultures et aussi en matière d'élevages.

Classified as: protein, legumes
Published on: 28 Feb 2018

From the Reporter...

On Saturday, Feb. 24, the cilantro flew and the paring knives flashed as talented student chefs from five North American universities took part in the hotly-contested Inter-University Iron Chef Competition.

After the final succulent morsel had been devoured, the panel of judges named the University of Massachusetts Amherstas this year’s champion. The win was UMASS Amherst’s fourth in five years, sparking whispers of a Dine-esty in the making.

Classified as: Inter-University Iron Chef Competition
Published on: 28 Feb 2018

It’s a question that has long plagued humanity: are we alone in the universe?

Scientists at ’s Macdonald campus are venturing towards a definitive answer with the development of a biosignature or life-detection platform.

...“There are some indications that Mars, many billions of years ago, was much warmer – and much wetter,” explained Lyle Whyte, a professor. “Where it would have been an environment that we can envision it would have hosted life as we know on Earth.”

Classified as: Life on Mars
Published on: 26 Feb 2018

Conducting a bird census by foot can also be disruptive, David Bird, an emeritus professor of wildlife biology at , told Popular Science. “While you’re doing that, you’re disturbing the hell out of the birds,” Bird said.

Classified as: birds, drones
Published on: 21 Feb 2018

Dozens of researchers will participate in two of the five “” announced Thursday, Feb. 15, by the federal government and funded under its.

Classified as: protein, Research, supercluster, grains
Published on: 19 Feb 2018

Participants, including scientists from , Canada, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, NGOs, representatives from processing machineries industry, small and micro level food enterprises, push cart vendors and farmers took part in the workshop.

Classified as: small millets, food process engineering
Published on: 19 Feb 2018

Vijaya Raghavan, Professor, , which is one of the collaborators of the project, said that promoting the consumption of small millets was not only key for addressing malnutrition related issues, but also to address climate change.

Classified as: climate change, malnutrition, small millets
Published on: 19 Feb 2018

Macdonald Founder's Day, brought together more than 500 members of the Mac Community to celebrate the birth of Sir William Macdonald, to recognize outstanding staff and students, and to listen to three very timely talks on the medical, legal and entrepreneurial aspects of medical Cannibis, in light of its imminent legalization.

Classified as: Founder's Day, medical cannabis, cannabis workshops
Published on: 19 Feb 2018

Two new workshops on medical Cannabis production and quality control

The Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, in conjunction with the School of Continuing Studies, is pleased to offer two one-day professional workshops on the industrial production and quality control of medical Cannabis.

The imminent legalization of Cannabis in Canada will result in an immediate need for highly-qualified personnel with knowledge in Cannabis production.

Classified as: medical cannabis, plant production, greenhouse industry
Published on: 8 Feb 2018

The School of Human Nutrition is excited to welcome four new Faculty members:

Classified as: School of Human Nutrition, Anne-Sophie Brazeau, Stépahnie Chevalier, Treena Wasonti:io Delormier, Daiva Nielsen
Published on: 31 Jan 2018

’s men and women’s teams won top honours at the 58th annual Macdonald College Woodsmen competition, held January 27 at the Macdonald Campusin Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Qc. Nineteen teams representing seven schools, Dalhousie, UNB, Fleming College, Algonquin College, Dartmouth and Maritime College of Forest Technology, competed in team, double and individual chopping and sawing events showcasing skills reminiscent of traditional lumberjacking.

Classified as: Intercollegiate Woodsmen Competition, Woodsmen
Published on: 30 Jan 2018

Puissant influenceur des tendances en matière de décoration, l'Institut Pantone dictera-t-il maintenant le contenu de notre assiette? La couleur 2018 - l'ultraviolet - est aussi celle de l'igname pourpre, un légume hautement photogénique, candidat idéal pour ravir les comptes Instagram des foodiescette année (à défaut de séduire à coup sûr leurs papilles).

Classified as: david wees, igname pourpre
Published on: 25 Jan 2018

University set to host opposing teams for third tournament of the season

It almost feels like a cabin you might find in Northern Quebec country. It’s warm and intimate, a welcoming feeling on a cold day.

At ’s Macdonald campus, located in Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, the shed is filled with giant saws, axes of all kinds and huge stacks of wood that certainly aren’t there to be someone’s kindling.

The shed, along with a snowy field of throwing axe targets and climbing poles serve as home base for the Woodsmen.

Classified as: Lumberjacks, Lumberjills, Woodsmen
Published on: 25 Jan 2018


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