
DĂ©crivez-nous votre philosophie d'investissement en quelques mots.

Je cherche de la croissance à un prix raisonnable. Je préfère les entreprises au premier ou au deuxième rang de leur secteur. J'accorde une importance particulière aux dirigeants. Par rapport à deux entreprises d'un même secteur, la direction peut faire la différence entre celle qui est rentable et celle qui ne l'est pas. Je prends également en compte l'évaluation du titre.


Classified as: alumni
Published on: 2 Jan 2013

L'avocat André Vautour (MBA’90) remplace Richard Dolan à la présidence du conseil d'administration du cabinet Lavery, auquel il s'est joint comme associé en 2007. Il poursuivra aussi sa pratique dans le domaine du droit des sociétés et du droit commercial. M. Vautour, qui se spécialise aussi dans le domaine du droit de l'informatique, figure dans l'édition 2013 du répertoire The Best Lawyers in Canada dans les domaines du droit de la technologie de l'information et du droit des technologies.

Classified as: alumni
Published on: 2 Jan 2013

ROUGEMONT, QC, Dec. 12, 2012 /CNW Telbec/ - Pierre-Paul Lassonde, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Lassonde Industries Inc. (TSX: LAS.A) (“Lassonde”), is pleased to announce the appointment of Jean Gattuso (BCom’79) to the position of President of Lassonde Industries Inc. This appointment is effective immediately. Jean Gattuso will concurrently hold his new position and his current position as Chief Operating Officer of Lassonde Industries Inc. and President and Chief Executive Officer of A. Lassonde Inc., a subsidiary of the group.

Classified as: alumni
Published on: 13 Dec 2012

David's Tea, la compagnie co-fondée par le Montréalais David Segal (BCom'04), connaît une croissance fulgurante aux États-Unis. En moins d'un an, on compte déjà une quinzaine de boutiques à New York, San Francisco, Boston, Chicago et ce n'est que le début.

Lire l’article complet: Le Journal de Québec, 11 décembre 2012

Classified as: alumni
Published on: 10 Dec 2012

Pascal Lépine (EMBA'12) a mis plus de 10 ans à trouver la vocation de la firme qu'il a fondée en 1999. Atypic est devenue il y a deux ans une société-conseil auprès d'organismes à but non lucratif et d'organisations caritatives.

«Nous divisons toujours le monde entre le secteur privé et le public, alors qu'entre les deux existe un monde très vaste sans lequel notre société ne serait pas la même», explique M. Lépine, 35 ans, qui détient 90 % d'Atypic.

Classified as: alumni
Published on: 7 Dec 2012

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Nov. 30, 2012) - Oakville Chartered Accounting student Alexandra Slattery (BCom’09) was one of just 27 Ontario students to make the prestigious Honour Roll for top marks on this year's Canada-wide Uniform Evaluation (UFE).

Classified as: alumni
Published on: 7 Dec 2012

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA–(Marketwire – Dec. 4, 2012) - Megastar Development Corporation (“Megastar”, the “Company” or “MDV”) (TSX VENTURE:MDV)(FRANKFURT:M5Q) wishes to announce that at its annual general meeting held on November 29, 2012 the shareholders re-elected Dusan Berka and Chris Staargaard as directors of the Company for the upcoming year. Two new directors, Paul A. Smith of Bristol, UK and Jonathan M. Rich of Montreal, Quebec were also elected at the AGM.

Classified as: alumni
Published on: 7 Dec 2012

A dot-com millionaire, a real estate investor and a money manager are sitting at a bar, talking passionately about national unity over the near-deafening techno music blaring from overhead speakers. Just another Thursday night in Montreal, where a thriving subculture of entrepreneurs frequently huddle in dark spaces to talk politics, celebrate their successes and plot their futures.

Classified as: alumni, Bachelor of Commerce (BCom)
Published on: 8 Nov 2012

CALGARY, Oct. 11, 2012 /CNW/ – Canadian Pacific (TSX:CP) (NYSE:CP) today announced that Brian Grassby (BCom’79, DPA’80) has been appointed Senior Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) effective November 1, 2012. Kathryn McQuade has informed the company she will retire from the role of CFO on that date. McQuade will remain as a Senior Advisor to Grassby until the end of her contract in May 2013 to ensure a successful transition.

Classified as: alumni, Bachelor of Commerce (BCom)
Published on: 18 Oct 2012

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA–(Marketwire – Oct. 16, 2012) - Sama Resources Inc. (TSX VENTURE:SME) (“Sama” or the “Company“) is pleased to announce that, effective immediately, Mr. Benoit La Salle (BCom’76, DPA’78), FCPA, FCA, has been appointed a Director of the Company and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company.

Classified as: alumni, Bachelor of Commerce (BCom)
Published on: 18 Oct 2012

Love, respect and integrity: those are the three principles upon which Aldo Bensadoun (BCom’64) says he has built his global shoe business, now worth $1.8 billion in retail sales annually.

Given his charitable work, ready smile and the respect with which his thousands of employees refer to him as Mr. B., there may be something to it.

… The shoe business runs in the family. Bensadoun’s grandfather was a cobbler in Algeria, and his father had stores in Morocco. He grew up in Morocco and France before heading to the U.S. and then to ş«ąúÂăÎč for his university education.

Classified as: alumni, Bachelor of Commerce (BCom)
Published on: 18 Oct 2012


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