Riôtel Group confirms the arrival of the third generation of the family to Rioux direction Riôtel Matane. En effet, Marie-Frédérik Rioux occupe maintenant les fonctions de directrice de l’établissement. L’hôtel compte 120 chambres, un spa, deux piscines, le restaurant Cargo et six salles de réunions complètement rénovées.

Classified as: BCom Alumni, EMBA Alumni, François Rioux, Marie-Frédérik Rioux
Published on: 9 Sep 2015

Cornwall's best chefs have gone all out to create some unique meals for Restaurant Week, a five-day celebration of Cornwall’s vibrant culinary scene.
...Born and raised in Cornwall, Sebastien (Mani) Manigat has over 10 years of hospitality, marketing and event management experience. A recent graduate of 's MBA program, Mani has alsocompleted the Restaurant Management program at the French Culinary Institute in New York City.

Classified as: MBA Alumni, Sebastien Manigat
Published on: 27 Aug 2015

Les étudiants d’été se voient souvent confier de nombreux dossiers lors de leur passage au bureau. Comment gérer la charge de travail parfois importante et les échéances ?
...Sabina a complété sa 3e année au baccalauréat en droit à l'Université de Montréal. Elle passe son deuxième été au sein du cabinet Gowlings à Montréal.

Read full article: , August 21, 2015

Classified as: BCom Alumni, Sabina Malderle
Published on: 24 Aug 2015

Port of spain ONE Caribbean Media Group chief executive Dawn Thomas has announced the appointment of Anthony Shaw to the position of chief executive at the Nation Group in Barbados, effective September 1.

Read full article: , August 19, 2015

Classified as: BCom Alumni, Anthony Shaw
Published on: 24 Aug 2015

ѱMarc-Antoine La Rochelledevient conseiller juridique principal au sein de l’institution bancaire la Société Générale. Il se spécialise en services financiers et bancaires, droit immobilier, commerce en gros, financement de franchises et d’équipement.Diplômé en commerce de l’Université en 1994 et en droit de l’Université d’Ottawa en 1997, il détient également un certificat en droit minier de la Faculté de droit Osgoode.

Classified as: BCom Alumni, Marc-Antoine La Rochelle
Published on: 24 Aug 2015

Entrevue 60 secondes— Vous représenterez le Canada au Sommet de l’Alliance des jeunes entrepreneurs du G20 à Istanbul, du 7 au 9 septembre prochain.
... Diplômée en commerce de l'Université , Stéphanie Brisson est chargée de projet et cofondatrice de Credo, un accélérateur de projects àimpacts sociaux, et de l'espace de travail collaboratif La Gare, situé dans le Mile-End.

Classified as: BCom Alumni, stephanie brisson, G20
Published on: 19 Aug 2015

When it comes to retail, there's one aspect of the customer experience that's substantially more influential than the rest: frontline employees. Because they're often a customer's first touchpoint with a retailer and interact with customers directly on a regular basis, frontline employees act as brand ambassadors who can easily make or break the customer's shopping experience.

Classified as: BCom Alumni, Steven Kramer, Desautels Global Experts
Published on: 19 Aug 2015

Tricon Capital Group Inc.today announced its consolidated financial results for the three and six months endedJune 30, 2015.

Classified as: Douglas P. Quesnel, Graduate Diploma in Accounting
Published on: 19 Aug 2015

What actually happened? What was actually important? Those are water cooler questions that go back a long time. They’re also questions that hockey’s number-crunchers have been chasing for some time now. The challenge in answering those questions, since day one, has been the quality of data.
... Buntin is the CEO of SportLogiq, the Montreal-based tech startup which is looking to change the way coaches, scouts, players, fans and broadcasters look at the game.

Classified as: MBA Alumni, Craig Buntin
Published on: 19 Aug 2015

Il y a un mois,Geoffroylançait le vidéoclip et la chanson You Say, premier extrait d’un EP qui paraîtra cet automne. La pièce, fort accrocheuse, marie brillamment le folk à l’électro.

Read full artcle:, August 7, 2015

Classified as: BCom Alumni, Geoffroy Sauvé
Published on: 13 Aug 2015

You probably thought (or hoped) your high school yearbook would never see the light of day again.
... And,William Shatner, known for his role as cultural icon Captain Kirk, was an active member of ’s theatre world in the days before television became mainstream in Canada.

Classified as: BCom Alumni, william shatner
Published on: 13 Aug 2015

OnMobile Global Limited ("OnMobile") today announced the results for First Quarter FY2016 ended June 30, 2015.
...Pascal Tremblayis currently President, Managing Partner of Novacap. He holds a Bachelor degree in Business Administration from the University of Sherbrooke and an MBA from .

Read full article:, July 31, 2015

Classified as: MBA Alumni, Pascal Tremblay
Published on: 13 Aug 2015

Ya podés participar deAbanderados de la Argentina Solidaria.Es la sexta edición del Premio que buscahomenajeara las personas por su servicio y entrega a los demás, y empieza por elNoticiero Trece...

Classified as: BCom Alumni, Guillermo Murchison
Published on: 6 Aug 2015

The Cleveland Orchestra has announced a successor to its retiring executive director, Gary Hanson... He’s to be succeeded byAndré Gremillet, a Quebecois who has previously managed the symphony orchestras of New Jersey and Melbourne, Australia.

Read full article: , August 3, 2015

Classified as: MBA Alumni, André Gremillet
Published on: 6 Aug 2015

Dès leur arrivé au sein de la communauté juridique, les étudiants sont amenés à participer à différentes activités de réseautage. Comment tirer son épingle du jeu? Voici quelques conseils...Sabina a complété sa 3e année au baccalauréat en droit à l'Université de Montréal. Elle est actuellement en stage au cabinet Gowlings à Montréal où elle passe son deuxième été.

Read full article: July 31, 2015

Classified as: BCom Alumni, Sabina Malderle
Published on: 6 Aug 2015


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