Popular culture loves the mythology of the self-made success, the boot-strapping individual who eschews formal education to blaze a path to success. But, while superstar dropouts can capture our imaginations – think Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg – they are the exceptions, not the rule. Especially in Canada: a study by the Institute for Competitiveness and Prosperity, for example, found that nearly 90 per cent of the founders of Canada’s top 250 tech companies are university graduates.
The Indo-Canada research project on small millets aims at enhancing its production and consumption. Millets are a must to tackle the increasing number of diabetic and lifestyle deceases in the community... This project on small millet production, processing and consumption was launched by Dhan Foundation, supported by Canadian International Food Security Research Fund (CIFSRF) and by Canada's International Development Research Centre (IDRC) with the partnership of scientists from [Prof. Vijaya Raghavan], Canada and Tamil Nadu Agricultural University.
Minister Lawrence MacAulay was on campus to participate in the Symposium and Wrap-Up meeting for the “Effects of Agricultural Water Management Systems on Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Eastern Canada” project led by Chandra Madramootoo (Bioresource Engineering). The project was funded by the Agricultural Greenhouse Gases program.
Announcement by The Honourable Lawrence MacAulay, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-food Macdonald Campus of , March 30, 2016
There was good news all around for the Quebec agri-food sector in the recent provincial budget.
Quebec’s recently unveiled provincial budget includes one new line-item that means a lot for research.
Dans l’édifice qui accueillait autrefois la brasserie Dow, angle Peel et Notre-Dame, rebaptisé Carrefour d’innovation INGO, est installé un groupe de recherche qui se consacre au développement des carburants de l’avenir. BioFuelNet regroupe 75 chercheurs de 27 universités canadiennes et travaille avec 90 partenaires industriels. Sa mission : développer une industrie de biocarburants avancés prospère et durable. ...
Professor Lyle White, Natural Resource Sciences, is interviewed on his role in Mars exploration and the Exomars Space Probe.
The International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and Global Affairs Canada have announced six new projects to be supported under the Canadian International Food Security Research Fund (CIFSRF). The projects will develop, test and apply ways to scale up innovations in food security and nutrition. These projects will scale up effective, pilot-tested innovations so that they reach poor rural populations, particularly women and small-holder farmers. Two projects have been awarded to Macdonald professors.
The International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and Global Affairs Canada have announced six new projects to be supported under the Canadian International Food Security Research Fund (CIFSRF). The projects will develop, test and apply ways to scale up innovations in food security and nutrition. These projects will scale up effective, pilot-tested innovations so that they reach poor rural populations, particularly women and small-holder farmers. Two projects have been awarded to Macdonald professors.
On estime que la moitié de ce que l'on produit comme aliments dans les pays industrialisés serait gaspillée. Au Canada, on jetterait, selon Statistique Canada, 183 kilogrammes de nourriture par an, par personne. À qui la faute? À l'industrie alimentaire, ou au consommateur? Pour en discuter, nous recevons Pascal Thériault, agroéconomiste et professeur à l'Université . Il enseigne aussi le marketing alimentaire.
"The discussion started at my book club, but it might as well have started with Adam and Eve. We read The Awakening, a1899 novel by Kate Chopin that describes the fight by a young woman, Edna Pontellier, for independence against the conventions of the time. We are all married working mothers. No matter how far society has come from Edna’s, most of us find the bulk of child care and the more banal duties of running a household fall to us. We felt for Edna.
Professor Elena Bennett, of the Department of Natural Resource Sciences and the School of Environment, is the recipient of a ! The Fellowships are awarded by NSERC to enhance the career development of outstanding and highly promising university faculty who are earning a strong international reputation for original research.
Centre for Research in Reproduction and Development (CRRD) Associate Director Dr. Sarah Kimmins (Animal Science Department) is recipient of the 2016 SSR Young Investigator Award.
This award recognizes an active Regular Member of the Society for outstanding research completed and published within 12 years after receiving the Ph.D. or other equivalent professional degree.
« Le système a permis d’assurer une stabilité dans les prix. Les producteurs savent combien ils vont recevoir pour leur sirop », estime Pascal Thériault, professeur à la faculté des sciences de l’agriculture et de l’environnement de l’Université . Il y a actuellement 62 millions de livres de sirop dans le principal entrepôt, situé à Laurierville. « La réserve stratégique mondiale permettrait de couvrir une mauvaise saison », précise l’économiste Pascal Thériault.