
Congratulations to Eby Noroozi, MSc'78 (Food Science and Agricultural Chemistry) for receiving the Sovereign's Medal for Volunteers. The Sovereign’s Medal for Volunteers recognizes living Canadians who have made a significant, sustained and unpaid contribution to their community, in Canada or abroad. Non-Canadians are also eligible if their contribution brings benefit or honour to Canadians or to Canada.

The citation reads:

Published on: 12 Feb 2020

Une nouvelle coalition, Fermiers pour la transition climatique, voit le jour.

... Anja Geitmann, doyenne de la FacultĂ© des sciences de l'agriculture et de l'environnement Ă  l'UniversitĂ© ş«ąúÂăÎč, estime qu'il faudra un sĂ©rieux coup de main financier du gouvernement.

"Ça c’est le problème. Tout changement est coûteux. Il faut établir des incitatifs pour convaincre les producteurs à faire ces changements."

Classified as: carbon-neutral farming
Published on: 12 Feb 2020

Finance titan André Desmarais teams up with rock-star farmer to invest in the future of small organic farming

In the first season of Les Fermiers, a hit French-Canadian TV show about vegetable farming in Hemmingford, Quebec, Dany Bouchard [FMT'08], a young trainee, tells his boss and the show’s star, Jean-Martin Fortier [BA’02, Major in Environment], that there won’t be enough turnips to bring to market that week. “We can’t fight the temperature,” Bouchard says. “We have to be patient.”

Classified as: organic farming
Published on: 4 Feb 2020

Award funding gives students lab time, research experience and the chance to discover the right path

...Supported by a Schulich Graduate Fellowship, doctoral student Bikram Poudel is working to improve one of the world’s most important food crops.

Classified as: Research, Scholarships
Published on: 3 Feb 2020

Gus was born in Elrose, Saskatchewan and grew up on a farm where he acquired a life-long love for the land. He earned a BSc (Agr) and MSc at the University of Saskatchewan, and a PhD in soil chemistry from Cornell University. Gus spent the majority of his academic career at ş«ąúÂăÎč's Macdonald Campus where he pioneered fertility research in crop production, maximizing crop yield and the value of fertilizer management.

Classified as: Angus Mackenzie
Published on: 3 Feb 2020

Ils dĂ©tonnent du reste du paysage hivernal : ces arbres, contrairement aux autres, gardent leurs feuilles mĂŞme après leur mort. Ce phĂ©nomène, appelĂ© marcescence, est observable chez certaines espèces d'arbres. MĂ©tĂ©oMĂ©dia s'est entretenu avec David Wees, chargĂ© de cours au DĂ©partement des sciences vĂ©gĂ©tales et directeur adjoint du programme Gestion et technologies d’entreprise agricole (GTEA) Ă  l'universitĂ© ş«ąúÂăÎč.

Published on: 30 Jan 2020

Every year, patches of Australian forests are consumed by fire, an ecologically necessary process that releases soil nutrients and stimulates plant growth. When the fire season is exacerbated by drought and high temperature, however, the devastation is so great that some citizens are forced to flee their homes. In the most extreme circumstances, natural habitats are ruined completely, even to the point of species extirpation. 

Classified as: australia, climate, wildfires
Published on: 30 Jan 2020

Nouveau livre redacté par David Wees, Département des sciences végétales et Gestion et technologies d’enterprise agricole (FMT)

Classified as: fines herbes
Published on: 24 Jan 2020

« Je suis un gardien de la Terre, j’en prends soin. » C’est ainsi que Peter G. Brown, producteur forestier certifiĂ© et professeur Ă  la FacultĂ© des sciences de l’agriculture et de l’environnement de l’UniversitĂ© ş«ąúÂăÎč, rĂ©sume sa philosophie Ă  l’égard de sa terre Ă  bois d’environ 400 acres dans la municipalitĂ© de Franklin, en MontĂ©rĂ©gie.

Published on: 24 Jan 2020

Responses should include prioritizing funding for research on male infertility and making assisted reproductive treatment more accessible.

Despite headlines about the labour shortage and aging population, people remain strangely unaware of this impending fertility crisis. As well, infertility is wrongly perceived as a female-only health issue. It’s urgent that we move to ensure fair and equitable access to fertility treatment. Prof. Sarah Kimmins (AnSci) and Montreal attorney Joël Roy in the Montreal Gazette.

Classified as: male infertility, infertility
Published on: 24 Jan 2020

Once prevalent in Montreal, the littlest falcon's downfall is a bellwether for hard times. “The story of the kestrel is happening to other bird species.”

Throughout the 1900s, North America’s littlest falcon was also described as the continent’s most common and widespread. Small but fierce and marked with bright plumage rare in the raptor world, the American kestrel could be seen throughout the continent, diving and swooping in fallow fields or under the stadium lights at baseball games, hunting for plump moths or small mice.

Classified as: birds, David Bird, Avian Science and Conservation Centre, kestrel
Published on: 10 Jan 2020

Skiing, snowshoeing, stargazing and bird-watching are just a few items on the winter menu at local parks.

Winter in the West Island is a time when nature and leisure activities can dovetail beautifully.

Robert Prairie, a patrol leader at Morgan Arboretum, heads a team of volunteers that help to ensure a safe and fun experience for the many individuals and families who enjoy recreational destinations in Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue.

Classified as: nature activities
Published on: 9 Jan 2020

In 2019 — with the help of the Borlaug Training Foundation — [Germination] put out the call to plant breeders asking them what they would do if they had $10 million to make the world a better place. Valerio Hoyos-Villegas, pulse breeder at ş«ąúÂăÎč, answered the call. He tells his story about how growing up around the coffee farms of Colombia set him on the path to helping feed the planet. Hosted by Germination editor Marc Zienkiewicz.

Classified as: pulse breeding, Plant Breeding
Published on: 9 Jan 2020

Les producteurs semblent plus heureux au travail que la majorité des Québécois. En effet, l’agriculture se positionne au 10e rang des 70 professions et métiers classés au palmarès de l’indice du bonheur au travail réalisé par la firme Léger. Les travailleurs agricoles ont très positivement évalué cinq des six facteurs principaux qui influencent le bonheur au travail : réalisation de soi, relations de travail, reconnaissance, responsabilisation et sentiment d’appartenance.

Appartenance et reconnaissance

Published on: 8 Jan 2020

Faire pousser des vĂ©gĂ©taux sur du bĂ©ton? C’est possible, pratique et mĂŞme très esthĂ©tique. Mark Lefsrud et son Ă©quipe, les chercheurs Sadie Moland et Intisar Syed Mahood, du DĂ©partement de gĂ©nie en bioressources de l’UniversitĂ© ş«ąúÂăÎč, ont dĂ©veloppĂ© un mur vĂ©gĂ©tal vertical nouveau genre : tomates, chou frisĂ©, laitues et Ă©pinards poussent, non pas dans la terre, mais dans du bĂ©ton poreux biocompatible. Ce substrat horticole original n’est pas encore commercialisĂ©, mais il fait ses preuves depuis trois ans dans les serres de l’universitĂ©.

Published on: 8 Jan 2020


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