
Toronto Star - A faith magazine for the 'un-churchable'

Published: 7 January 2011

There’s a regular feature called Sinner’s Corner, in which readers look for guidance in their ethical struggles, as in: can an environmentalist play golf in good conscience? A recent issue looked at body image and discrimination against fat people; another reported on 30 sermons that would never be heard in church. More recently, a two-page spread focused on “police brutality” at the G20 summit.

professor Darin Barney says the magazine is one of the “smartest kind of progressive, critical, lefty magazines” in Canada, with roots that reach back to the Depression-era social gospel movement of the prairies.

“It fulfills the critical mission perfectly,” says Barney, the Canada Research Chair in Technology and Citizenship. “Often the first target of criticism is itself—not as a magazine, but as critical Christian writers, they turn their questioning ethic most vigorously on their own faith and their own practices.”

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