The Top 10 List of CEO Regrets
Probably among the world's best know CEO regret is, "I want my life back" cri de couer from Tony Hayward, the former CEO of BP. Or at least, he regrets saying it now! As a follow-up to this week's column on regrets I would like to offer up my Top 10 List of CEO Regrets, please let me know which you would drop and what you would add:
My List of Top 10 CEO Regrets
1. I regret trying to change those around me rather than changing myself to value others more
2. I regret focusing too much on individuals rather than their value in contributing to and building stronger teams
3. I regret not bringing in fresh eyes and experience to look at our recurring problems quickly enough
4. I regret that at times we didn't put our employees first.
5. I regret that I never fired Joe, because I never really understood what Joe did.
6. I regret that we acquired that one extra company instead of achieving the growth organically
7. I regret that I followed too many after management fads, rather than waiting to see which was a keeper
8. I regret that I often let my work take priority over my family and health.
9. Too often I worshiped quarterly results when focusing on the long term would have paid off so much better, well, in the long term.
10. I regret that I hired too many people just like me.
I would like that thank Anita Nowak and Mike Ross for their help.
-Article by Karl Moore
Read full article: , April 28, 2011