

Socio-Economic Planning Sciences takes the next step

Published: 3 March 2016

My associate editors and I were very pleased to hear that Socio-Economic Planning Sciences (SEPS) has been selected for coverage in Thomson Reuters’ products and services, including Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index, and Journal Citation Reports. It will be added to the Operations Research & Management Science, Management and Economics categories. The journal's first Impact Factor will be available in June 2016, and will be based on citations during 2015 to papers published in 2013-2014. This is a very important step towards further increasing the visibility of SEPS, particularly among young scholars, who need to disseminate their work in journals with an impact factor. We are confident that this development will further increase the quality of the papers submitted as well as having a positive affect on the volume of the submissions. It took two years from the application to the acceptance to the citation index. I am grateful to my associate editors and the publisher for their patience and continued support during this rather long process.

Concerning the current issue, Volume 53, my sincere thanks go to the guest co-editors, Giuseppe Bruno and Andrea Genovese. They put together a special issue of six strong papers that certainly constitutes a collection contributing to the public sector facility location field. I am particularly grateful for their efficiency in completing the special issue project within one year of the submission deadline. Indeed, this is the second special issue of SEPS on this topic during my term as editor in chief. I refer the readers to Volume 46, Issue 2 of SEPS for the first special issue co-edited by Alan Murray and Mark Daskin in 2012. We intend to continue facilitating contributions to the modeling and solution of public sector facility location problems and the incorporation of these methods in public sector decision-making.

Vedat Verter, Editor-inChief

Read original post: , March 2, 2016

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