From Social Networks to Collaboration Networks: The Next Evolution of Social Media for Business
To date, companies have embraced social networks by setting up Facebook and LinkedIn pages. Many view these as an extension of their current marketing mix and offer product information, sales notices and contact information which is no different from their website. Many companies have also started using Twitter as a broadcasting medium, tweeting when they have new products or are having a clearance sale as a syndicated one-way communication with its followers. Really savvy companies are using new software monitoring tools to search social media for discussions, comments, and complaints by customers and employees about their company and products and services. In many cases, they get some great information that they use to improve their product or service, and sometimes they even contact people who complain to gather more details as indicative about how other customers might feel.
But the biggest value that social networks offer goes beyond being marketing channels to push communication to prospects and customers. They are morphing into new channels for collaboration and innovation. Social networks are becoming unique touch points to engage communities, start conversations, recruit skillful employees, and develop new innovative ideas. Firms that successfully leverage social networks are doing so to engage their communities in conversation explicitly to tap into their brainpower and energy. They ask customers and followers to participate in brainstorming with them so they can learn how to be a better company, offer better products and services, or support the values and issues of the community...
Read full article: , September 15, 2011