Published: 30 January 2008
Winter weather is here and with it come a host of unpleasant and
dangerous conditions: slippery roads and sidewalks, strong winds,
freezing temperatures. Slips and falls on icy surfaces can lead to
serious broken and fractured bones that could result in traumatic
injuries that can leave one with a long term disability.
Each year, the MUHC treats about 1600 trauma patients, of which
approximately 50% (800 patients) of these are admitted because of
an unintentional fall resulting in broken hips, bones, and skull
fractures. Nancy Tze, administrative head of the MUHC Adult Trauma
Program, offers the following advice on how to prevent falls when
it is slippery:
- Wear the proper foot gear, shoes or boots that provide traction
on snow and ice
- Consider using an ice pick at the end of your cane. The sharp
ice pick will give you added grip on slippery surfaces. Cane picks
will be slippery on hard surfaces so be sure to flip it back as you
get indoors. Remember to replace rubber tips on your cane before it
gets too worn.
- Walk slowly and never run on icy surfaces
- Use handrails when they are available
- Keep entranceways, walkways, stairs and driveways clear of ice
and snow.
- Plan ahead; give yourself sufficient time and plan your
- Walk in designated walkways as much as possible.
Another 25% (200) of trauma patients are admitted following a
motor vehicle crash, as drivers, passengers, or pedestrians. As
winter approaches, motorists can stay safe using these tips:
- Be aware and be cautious. Weather conditions can change
- Slow down. Posted speed limits reflect ideal conditions, not
wet or snowy conditions.
- Keep a safe distance between you and the vehicle in front of
you. On slippery road surfaces, double the 2 second rule
The “2 second
This simple rule applies at any speed
and is easy to use. Here’s how.
Watch the vehicle in front of you pass an object at the side of the
road such as a power pole, tree or sign. As it passes the object,
start counting “one thousand and one, one thousand and two”. If you
pass the object you picked out before you finish saying all the
words, you are following too closely. Slow down, pick another
roadside object and repeat the words again to make sure that you
have increased your following distance.
- Avoid sudden turns of the steering wheel, and sudden braking
and accelerating that could cause a skid
- Avoid situations where you may have to brake suddenly on a
slippery surface
- See and be seen. Always clear ice and snow from all vehicle
windows to maximize visibility, and turn on your vehicle’s full
lighting system when blowing snow and white outs impair your
- Make sure you know how to use your braking system in all
weather and road conditions.
- Allow more time to get to your destination. Extra time is
required to negotiate snow-covered roads.
- Your vehicle’s tire treads should be in good condition and you
should always have plenty of windshield washer fluid to assist with
Tze adds that “Many of these types of injuries can be prevented
by using common sense. Both motorists and pedestrians must exercise
caution by recognizing hazardous conditions and being more alert
when weather conditions are slippery and dangerous. It is best to
limit going outside if at all possible.”
The MUHC is a comprehensive academic health institution with an
international reputation for excellence in clinical programs,
research and teaching. The MUHC is a merger of five teaching
hospitals affiliated with the Faculty of Medicine at
University, the Montreal Children's, Montreal General, Royal
Victoria, and Montreal Neurological Hospitals, as well as the
Montreal Chest Institute. Building on the tradition of medical
leadership of the founding hospitals, the goal of the MUHC is to
provide patient care based on the most advanced knowledge in the
health care field, and to contribute to the development of new