

Macdonald Engineering renovation update

Published: 17 September 2010

Benedek  Laboratories;

The Benedek labs on the 5th floor are almost finished, with final completion expected late October. These labs will offer state-of-the-art research and teaching facilities in environmental engineering.

Some areas accessible only to construction contractors;

Many sections of the Macdonald Building have been vacated for renovations. The Workman Wing will be empty by the end of September, and the Electrical Wing by Mid-November, so that contractors can accelerate renovations in those areas. These two wings will undergo intensive construction until December, at which time completed portions will begin to be delivered back to the users.

Mechanical systems;

Demolition and installation of new ventilation shafts and mechanical rooms are well underway at Macdonald Engineering. A new mechanical room with a heat exchange system has been installed on the roof.

Contractors are opening up ceilings throughout the building to install new ductwork for the new centralized ventilation system.  The system in the Main Pavilion will be started September 27, followed by a period of adjustments.  Additional systems to cover the rest of the building will be added once the new mechanical room is installed in the courtyard.

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