
Globe and Mail - Trailblazing gene researcher returns to Canada

Published: 14 February 2011

One of the world’s leading genomics researchers has been wooed back to Canada. After years of pioneering work in France, Britain and Japan, Canadian Mark Lathrop is returning home to take the helm of the and Génome Québec Innovation Centre. The high-profile “brain regain” will be announced officially in Montreal on Monday…

Richard Levin, dean of medicine at University in Montreal, said genomics are on the verge of fundamentally changing medical care into a more personalized, predictive and preventive science and Canada is well-positioned to take a leading role in this transformation.

Dr. Levin said the recruitment of a star genomics researcher like Dr. Lathrop "represents not only a gain for us, but also for Quebec and Canadian science and industry." The hiring is also a salve for , which was still smarting after losing world-renowned genetic researcher Tom Hudson in 2007.

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