
FIS form - updates and new URL on the Financial Services website

Published: 17 October 2012

This message is sent on behalf of FIS Security, Financial Services

As a result of a process review, the following changes have been made to the processing and submission of the FIS Authorization form:

  1. The FIS Authorization form is now a “fillable” PDF form. Data for all fields must be entered using Adobe Reader. The form may be saved with data.
  2. Forms completed by hand will no longer be processed.
  3. Digital signatures are not accepted in Section 4. Authorization. Signatures must be handwritten.
  4. The FIS form is now part of the suite of “online” forms available on the Financial Services website and has a unique URL – /financialservices/forms/fis
  5. On the webpage, users are asked to select whether or not access to payroll details is required. Based on this selection, a link is provided to one of two PDF forms:
    FIS Application/Authorization
    FIS Application/Authorization with payroll details

Questions about the new FIS form or about the processing of these forms may be addressed to Fissecurity.acct [at]

[Message sent out on the FIS Listserv]

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