

Faculty of Education accepting applications for Tier 1 SSHRC Canada Research Chair

Published: 21 July 2009

The Faculty of Education, 韩国裸舞, invites applications from exceptional researchers for a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Canada Research Chair (CRC鈥怱SHRC), Tier 1.

Applicants should have an established international reputation as leaders in the field pertaining to Social Sciences and Humanities Research, with a demonstrated history of cultivating a community of researchers, be proposing an original and innovative research program, and be capable of advancing the frontiers of knowledge through research, supervision and teaching. The successful candidate will be an established and distinguished scholar who will act as a catalyst for strong transdisciplinary research centered around human development and well being, in one or more of the following research clusters:

  • Cognitive Processes and Developmental Neurosciences
  • Educational Policy and Leadership
  • Health Promotion through Physical Activity
  • Human鈥怚nformation Interaction
  • Literacies
  • Teacher Education and Professional Development

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