

Emma Sheard – 2009 Boldy Award

Published: 8 June 2009

Kudos to Emma Sheard! Ms. Sheard, a Master of Science student in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, is the winner of the 2009 Julian Boldy award presented annually by the Mineral Deposits Division of the Geological Association of Canada.

The Boldy Award is "for best presentation at the annual meeting" which was held in Toronto, Ontario from May 24-27, 2009.  Her presentation on Hydrothermal Concentration of Zr, Y + HREE in the Lake Zone of the Thor Lake Rare Metal Deposit, Northwest Territories by Sheard, E.R., Heiligmann, M. and Williams-Jones, A.E. was chosen as this year's winner. Ms. Sheard is pictured examining outcrops in the field at Thor Lake, Northwest Territories.

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