
Director of International Sales to Speak at EU-US Trade Forum

Published: 1 June 2016

Health Enterprises, Inc., a leading consumer health products company, announces the participation of Mr. Brooke Fishback, director of international sales, in the European Union – United States (EU-US) trade forum in Tallinn, Estonia June 2nd & 3rd.

The EU-US “Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) Best Practices Workshop” will bring together leading government officials and private sector business professionals to review ways to improve trade between the EU and the US, and is the 7th EU-US trade forum in the framework of the Transatlantic Economic Council (TEC).

Mr. Fishback holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in International Business and German, and a MBA from . He is a NASBITE “Certified Global Business Professional,” and recipient of their 2016 “Advancing International Trade Award” for the state of Massachusetts. He also serves on the Massachusetts DEC (District Export Council), and is Vice-Chair of the U.S. Federal Government Industry Trade Advisory Committee on Small & Minority Business, “ITAC 11.”

Read full article: , June 1, 2016 

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