

Call for Nominations: Desautels Faculty of Management Distinguished Teaching Awards

Published: 27 February 2015

On an annual basis, the Desautels Faculty of Management presents two Distinguished Teaching Awards, one at the undergraduate level and one at the graduate level. All faculty members are eligible for the award.

Along with a wall plaque and certificate presented by the Dean, and recognition at the Spring Convocation, there is also a monetary value associated with the teaching award.

Deadline for Submission: March 20, 2015, 5:00PM


The purpose of the award is to honor excellence in teaching which can be reflected through a combination of

  • Student teaching evaluations
  • Stimulating presentations of lecture material
  • Masterful orchestration of case discussions or experiential sessions
  • A personal commitment to student learning and growth
  • Experimenting with new methods
  • Developing new teaching materials or aids (cases, course notes, textbooks, films, etc.)
  • Willingness to give students individual feedback and guidance during office hours
  • Interest in and efforts to improve one’s teaching
  • Generating enthusiasm and hard work on the part of students

Students interested in nominating either one of their current professors or one that they have had in the past, should submit a nomination letter in confidence via e-mail to zabrina.kadkhodayan [at] mcgill.ca (Zabrina Kadkhodayan), Administrative Assistant to the Dean of the Desautels Faculty of Management, no later than 5:00 PM, March 20, 2015. Nomination letters should include the name of the faculty member, the course(s) that they have taught and the case for support of their nomination based on the above criteria. All nomination letters must be signed by at least three students.

We look forward to receiving your submissions.

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