

Comprehensive Evaluation – Winter 2011

Published: 22 March 2011

Winter 2011

Graduate Diploma in Translation

CCTR 551 Comprehensive Evaluation

Students completing the Graduate Diploma in Translation (GDIT) must sit a comprehensive examination at the conclusion of the GDIT Program. The examination consists of an oral defense of a best-work portfolio. This portfolio represents a record of progress made by the candidate throughout his/her studies. Each candidate prepares a written introduction and comments on selected examples of coursework with a view to demonstrating his/her progress toward greater translation competence.

The comprehensive examination is public and therefore open to other students and faculty members. All examinations will be held at 688 Sherbrooke Street West.

Option Student Committee Date Time Room
Spanish to French Figurski, Anna Eliane Rocheleau
Telesforo Tajuelo
Heberto Fernandez
April 11 2:00 pm 1076
Spanish to English Esteban, Maria Mayra Parra
Daniel Zamorano
Heberto Fernandez
April 18 2:00 pm 1076
French to English Harpin, Natalie Hugh Hazelton
Michele Laliberté
Heberto Fernandez
April 21 10:00 am 1076
English to French Deparis, Johanna Pier-Pascale Boulanger
Eric Dupont
James Archibald
April 21 2:00 pm 1076
English to French Doyon, Jean Betty Cohen
Raymond Malhame
James Archibald
April 27 3:00 pm 1076
French to English McKenzie, Gregory Angela Ford
Roy Cartlidge
James Archibald
April 28 2:00 pm 1076

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