

CDAS Graduate Field Research Award Competition

Published: 13 November 2008

As a result of generous funding from the Canadian International Development Agency, CDAS will be able to award 3 Graduate Student Field Research Grants for the current academic year. Each award is valued at $3,000 and is to be used to help finance field research required for the successful completion of the applicant’s thesis or dissertation. In accordance with CIDA requirements, the funds must be spent according to Canada’s Tri-Council Rules and Regulations by July 31, 2009.


  • Graduate students must be in good academic standing;
  • Research proposals must have received departmental approval;
  • Research projects must be related to one of CDAS’ three research clusters (see below);
  • The graduate student’s supervisor must be a Member or Associate Member of CDAS.


Applications should include the following:

  • Approved proposal;
  • A brief (1 page max.) abstract of the research and its relation to a CDAS research cluster;
  • Transcripts;
  • Two letters of recommendation;
  • A recent CV.
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