“The registry is now basically open for business,” said principal investigator Dr. Mark Ware, a family doctor and researcher who specializes in pain management.
Paul Dempsey, directeur de l'Institut de droit aérien et spatialet Armand de Mestral, professeur à l'Institut de droit aérien et spatialsont tous les deux cités.
Op-ed byAnthony Ricciardi,professor of environmental science at the Redpath Museum and School of Environment.
“I’m happy they’re actually doing now what they should have been doing all along. I would attack the previous years when they didn’t do that.”Ahmed M. El-Geneidy, associate professor, School of Urban Planning.
Op-ed byDr. Mitch Shulman, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Surgery.
Article d’opinion par Henry Mintzberg, Titulaire de la Chaire de gestion John Cleghorn à la Faculté de gestion Desautels.
Ce n'est pas tous les jours qu'on peut connaître les avancées dans les recherches sur le cancer. Le chercheur Dr George Zogopoulos a parlé avec fierté de ses découvertes, samedi, lors de l'après-ski de Skions pour la vie pour le Fonds commémoratif Rob Lutterman.
Column by William Watson, Professor of Economics.
Thupten Jinpawas a bright youngTibetan Buddhist monk, who had joined the Dalai Lama's inner circle as principal English-language translator.Today, he's a professor at . He still translates for the Dalai Lama.
“So far as coverage of medical services is concerned, the April 1 [refugee health]reform changes very little. This is because the majority of refugee claimants (theoretically) have always continued to have full coverage of medical services. They never lost it.”Janet Cleveland, researcher and psychologist.
«Je voulais écrire un roman littéraire, poétique, qui avait la capacité d’avoir un peu d’intrigue, de violence, d’action.»Sean Michaels, écrivain en résidence, Département d’anglais.
Samanthea Samuels, candidate inFaculty of Law, andRachel Zellars, PhD studentwere both interviewed.
Groundbreaking research from the Research Institute of the Health Centre — which has shattered a long-standing assumption about brain cells known as astrocytes with a new study published on Thursday — has opened the door to the possibility of reprogramming those cells to preserve brain function.
“There’s something different about transportation.It affects how everything works together in a way that, say, whether you buy your book from Amazon or your bookstore does not.That might shape the ecosystem of retailers but it doesn’t shape your everyday life experience in the same way as transforming the transportation infrastructure would.”Barry Eidlin, sociologist.
Entrevue avec Frédéric Mégret, professeur de droit.