

1re Journée de recherche annuelle du Département de psychiatrie - Healthy is a state of mind: Research promoting wellness in women

Vendredi, 10 mars, 2006 08:30à13:00
Hôpital général juif 3755, chemin de la Côte-Ste-Catherine, Montreal, QC, H3T 1E2, CA
Dr Pasqualina DiDio : « Sex and cervical cancer: Do we want to know? »; Dr Phyllis Zelkowitz : « We're not just singing the blues: Mental health, problems in pregnancy and postpartum »; discussion : Dr Margaret Lock; Dr Danielle Groleau : « Why women neglect their hearts »; Dr Eva Libman : « Daytime fatigue in women: Is it really 'all in your head? »; discussion : Dr Vania Jimenez.
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