Reprise des classes en sciences infirmières et début des cours de clinnique
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Ateliers « Women and Leadership »
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3 mai 2004 00:00 à 4 mai 2004 00:00 |
Reprise des cours en physiothérapie et ergothérapie, 1re année - bloc Intégration
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Date limite de dépôt des demandes d'admission au programme de B. Th. de la Faculté d'études religieuses en prévision du trimestre d'automne
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The biological functions of protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B
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Identifying language impairment in toddlers: Promises of the 'looking preference' paradigm and early communicative acts
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Réunion (Comité des programmes d'études - Faculté des arts)
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Réunion (Conseil des études supérieures et postdoctorales)
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Development of a detailed microphysics cirrus model
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PEGASUS-dependent signaling controls leaf and floral patterning in Arabidopsis
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Examens reportés, cours de sciences de l'agriculture et de l'environnement prenant fin durant le trimestre d'automne
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4 mai 2004 00:00 à 5 mai 2004 00:00 |
Inscription tardive, étudiants du Centre d'éducation permanente
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4 mai 2004 00:00 à 9 mai 2004 00:00 |
Début des affectations en stage dans le cours NUTR 311 (Stage in Dietetics 2B)
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Cueillette en vue de la Foire aux livres de
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Réunion (Comité des admissions)
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Visite du Château Ramezay
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Defaults in human language: Item-specific vs. system-general learning
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Réunion - SOCRATES (Admissions)
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Forced iron starvation: A new mechanism of microbial iron policy during infection
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MAUT Tenure & Mentoring Workshop for non-tenured academic staff
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Réunion (Comité des études - Faculté des sciences)
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Electrons in solution: Redox potentials revisited
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Lessons in living from the dying: Discovering meaning in illness and suffering
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Lysosomal sialidases - Biology and pathology
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The evolution of reproductive isolation and female preference in the guppy
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Experimental bioinformatics approaches to proteomics
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Réunion (Sénat)
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Réunion (Comité des affaires étudiantes - Faculté des arts)
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What's new in breast cancer prevention?
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Mercredi d'enfer
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Environmental change and global solutions: Myths and fuzzy facts
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Soirée au pub
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Interventions in psychosocial oncology & palliative care: From research to clinical practice
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6 mai 2004 00:00 à 8 mai 2004 00:00 |
Advantages and disadvantages of using multiple imputation for missing data in medical research
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Socioeconomic inequalities in depression? Results from the Whitehall II Study
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Is the mid-ventrolateral prefrontal cortex really involved in the retrieval of verbal information?
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Réunion (Comité du Sénat sur le développement des installations matérielles)
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Réunion (Sous-comité des cours et des programmes d'enseignement)
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Environmental change and global solutions: Myths and fuzzy facts
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The role of the Libraries in a research intensive university in the 21st century
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