Development of bioprocesses - a functional genomic approach
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Titan against titan
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Roles of a small regulatory RNA in iron homeostasis
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Analysis of BRX and BRX-like genes in Arabidopsis thaliana
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The evolution of gene expression in primates: Natural selection and functional consequences
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La météo à travers le regard des artistes canadiens, mettant en vedette Tom Thomson et le Groupe des Sept
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Réunion (Sous-comité des cours et des programmes d'enseignement)
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Forum de recherche et d'échange, hiver 2006 - Play in the classroom? Why? And how? An interdisciplinary survey of play theories and their implications for education
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Random hoppers and random walkers: Some thoughts on evolution in a genetic network model
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Global discovery of protein trafficking complexes
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5 à 7
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Session d'examens du trimestre d'hiver dans le programme de gestion et de technologie agricoles
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21 avr 2006 00:00 à 28 avr 2006 00:00 |
Atelier Reconciling Financial Transactions
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Leishmania-induced alteration of activated protein 1 (AP-1) in macrophages
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Journal Club
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Potential vasculoprotective effects of estrogen on endothelium
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The pathogenesis of the meningitis caused by Streptococcus suis
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Emerging scenarios in global healthcare: Challenges to innovative drug development and access to care
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Réunion (Directeurs - Faculté des sciences de l'agriculture et de l'environnement)
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Réunion (Comité universitaire - Faculté de gestion)
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Réunion (Conseil de faculté - Faculté des sciences de l'agriculture et de l'environnement)
/channels |
Why the Antarctic determines atmospheric pCO2 and the Subantarctic global biological export production
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Restauration du cimetière de Middleville - 2e phase
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Democratization and its challengers in the Middle East
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Documentaires scientifiques du dimanche après-midi - The Cross and Bones (2003)
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The Legal Aspects of E-Governance
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24 avr 2006 00:00 à 25 avr 2006 00:00 |
Séminaire Essential Management Skills
/desautels |
24 avr 2006 00:00 à 28 avr 2006 00:00 |
Helminth/ host interactions in innate immunity
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Congenital heart disease: Novel insights from administrative databases
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Alphabet, a new PP2C phosphatase involved in the negative regulation of MAPK pathways in Drosophila
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Dynamical systems biology: The next step in integrative biology and bioinformatics?
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Forum de recherche et d'échange, hiver 2006 - Cultural representations of immigrants learning French in Montreal
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When you've done all you can - End of life in heart failure
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Réunion (Conseil des études supérieures et postdoctorales)
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Molecular dynamics underlying cell morphogenesis in Arabidopsis
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Macdonald College: A tale of revolution and evolution
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Conference : Are there cockroaches in my ice cream?
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Date limite applicable aux recommandations concernant les renouvellements de nomination prenant effet le 1er février prochain que le doyen doit transmettre au vice-principal exécutif
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Sliding window query processing over data streams
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Soutenance de thèse : Heegner points and rigid analytic modular forms
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