Semaine de relâche dans le cours NUTR 409, Stage in Dietetics Level 3
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30 jan 2006 00:00 à 3 é 2006 00:00 |
Période de vérification des dossiers sur Minerva pour tous les étudiants, sauf ceux de la Faculté de droit (vérification sur formulaire dans ce cas)
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30 jan 2006 00:00 à 3 é 2006 00:00 |
Sensorimotor integration for the control of locomotion
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Translating target discovery into clinical practice: A tale of the transcription/ translation factor YB-1 in cancer
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Réunion (Conseil des gouverneurs - Comité des ressources humaines)
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Forum de recherche et d'échange, hiver 2006 - 'Who's going to be our teacher?' Student teacher reflections on integrating theory with practice
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Changing faces of diabetes
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Involuntary motor behaviors in Parkinson's disease
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Mechanisms of clearance of apoptotic cells in cystic fibrosis
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Raising the BAR for arabidopsis research: Using large-scale data sets for hypothesis generation
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Le vice-principal exécutif doit communiquer ses décisions finales à tous ceux qui ont présenté une demande de congé sabbatique.
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Atelier : Unit Financial Control
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Electrophysiological investigation of olfactory representations in a learning and memory center of the Drosophila brain
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MForum 2006 Comedy Show
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Réunion (Comité des études - Faculté des sciences)
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Failure of protein quality control: Protein chaperones and the ubiquitin-proteasome system as targets for neuroprotection in motor neuron diseases
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Regulatory events in olfactory system development
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New Ideas In Archeology - The evolution of intelligence
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Intersections. Some thoughts on the relation between objects and instruments in the life sciences
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Réunion du Club Toastmasters de
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Date limite applicable aux recommandations concernant les nominations prenant fin le 30 novembre que les directeurs de département doivent transmettre au doyen
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Date limite de dépôt des demandes d'admission aux programmes du Centre d'éducation permanente au trimestre de printemps
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Échéance applicable aux demandes de renouvellement de nomination prenant effet le 1er janvier prochain adressées aux directeurs de département par les membres du personnel enseignant.
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A new T helper cell subset: IL-23-induced CD4+ T cells producing IL-17
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Genetic and nutritional disturbances in folate metabolism: Impact on heart disease, birth defects and cancer
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Réunion (Sénat)
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Reads : The Diving-Bell and the Butterfly
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Mercredis d'enfer au pub
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Soirée au pub en France
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The potential use of AFM and FTIR in fungal identification and the assessment of fungicidal activity
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Evaluation of pearl millet as a feed ingredient for laying hens
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Leishmania, from genomes to toll like receptors to therapy
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Mechanisms of biogenesis and repressive function of mammalian microRNAs
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Species effects on ecosystems: Production, stability, evolution
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Réunion (Comité sénatorial de coordination des services aux étudiants)
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Réunion (CPPU)
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Women with mustaches and men without beards: Gender and sexual anxieties of Iranian modernity
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Conférence publique sur l'environnement - Bruce Mau
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Dégustation de chocolat
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Journal Club
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