Soup and science
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9 jan 2006 00:00 à 13 jan 2006 00:00 |
Réunion (Sous-comité de l'environnement)
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Réunion (Comité des programmes d'études - Faculté des sciences de l'agriculture et de l'environnement)
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Enhancers of Ras signaling in C. elegans: Scaffolds, small RNAs, and chromatin remodeling
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Exposition « Greece 2005 »
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10 jan 2006 00:00 à 20 jan 2006 00:00 |
Atelier : Financial Accounting - Basic Concepts
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Forum de recherche et d'échange, hiver 2006 - A virtual library for children
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The new framework and IST project updates 2005-2006
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They are but deluded innovators: Contextualizing the Salafi-Sufi conflict (from the North Caucasus to Hadramawt)
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Cycle de projections : Super Science Docs - Cane Toad: An Unnatural History
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Séance d'orientation générale pour les nouveaux stagiaires postdoctoraux de l'Université
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Réunion du Club Toastmasters de
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Films that Transform: In dialogue with others on the journey - The Man Who Learned to Fall
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The holy grail of gene therapy: Site-specific integration and stable expression of foreign DNA Into the human genome
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Atelier : Financial Accounting - Basic Concepts
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Réunion (Sous-comité des dossiers des étudiants)
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Conférence Carl Zeiss Canada - The elusive membrane: On the evolution of biological membranes and how to analyze them today
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Organization of the nerve terminal by synaptic cleft components
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Understanding Europe 2006
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Réunion (Sénat)
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Analysis of the polymorphic transitions in cocoa butter
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Exploiting essential amino acid biosynthesis for antimicrobial drug development
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From individuals to ecosystems: A coherent look at pattern and process in an old-field ecosystem
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Réunion du sous-comité des cours et des programmes d'enseignement **Échéance d'insertion des cours nouveaux et revus et révisions de programme mineures dans l'Annuaire (papier) du 1er cycle**
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Beyond the West: Collective action tactics of sub-Saharan African women
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Réunion (Comité du rendement scolaire - Faculté des sciences)
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The science and technology of the US National Missile Defense System
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date limite d'abandon de cours de musique (leçons pratiques) au trimestre d'hiver
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Date limite de dépôt des demandes de transfert entre facultés à l'École de musique Schulich
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Towards the identification of chromosome 3p tumour supressor genes implicated in ovarian cancer
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Alpha-synuclein-triggered apoptosis in a yeast model of Parkinson's disease is abrogated by heat shock
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Cycle de conférences et de séminaires du vendredi (FLASS) - The PAH locus - Networks and phenome
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Monitoring the assembly and regulation of G protein-coupled receptor signalosomes in living cells
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Comparative genomics of pathogenic mycobacteria
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Parasites as a driving force in the life history evolution of guppies (Poecillia reticulata)
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Singing ourselves into existence: Europe's identity in recent continental political thought
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Overconvergence of Taylor series
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Computational methods for the analysis and generation of musical rhythm timelines
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USAID and the Iraqi elections
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Working towards a stronger future: Institutional governance and Maasai land rights In Kenya
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