Réunion (Sous-comité des dossiers des étudiants)
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Local protein synthesis in neuronal dendrites and control of synaptic function
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Synaptic plasticity and pathology in vivo
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Evolution: Perspectives of university students majoring in science in Indonesia
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Managing agriculture and water together: Understanding the role of P in eutrophication and food production
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Temporal and hierarchical scales mediate environmental and ecological variability in food webs
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Réunion (Sénat)
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Mercredis d'enfer au pub
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Party des Fêtes
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Reads : Calvino
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Soirée au pub en France
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Centraide Rocks
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La Langue et l'immigration : les obstacles à la francisation
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8 é 2005 00:00 à 9 é 2005 00:00 |
Insights into sheep retroviral oncogenesis and implications for human lung cancer
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An assessment of the Quebec dental public health program for school children
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Dynamic convection and variation of carbon and transient tracers in the Labrador Sea: A 15-year time series studies
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Réunion (CPPU)
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The DNA methylation machinery of the male germ line
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Role of histone H4 acetylation in genome expression and maintenance
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Medial representations: Mathematics, algorithms and applications
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Fête de Noêl
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Soirée de patinage pour étudiants étrangers
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Dernier jour de stage dans les programmes de B. S. W. et M. S. W.
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Dernier jour de stage (3e et 4e années) dans de nombreux programmes de B. Ed.
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In search of alternative splicing - Fact or fiction
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c-Jun Activation Binding Protein 1 (Jab-1): A multifunctional molecule implicated in the progression of breast cancer
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Cycle de conférences et de séminaires du vendredi (FLASS) - Fanconi anemia and the geneticist
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Mechanisms for sensing the folded state of CFTR
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Kosovo conflict, trauma, and gender
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Séminaire de recherche sur la Faculté de gestion Desautels
/desautels |
Disfluencies, performance, and prosody in language production
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Entering the field: An ethnographic study of women's NGOs in Iran
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Atelier éouverte : les dinosaures du Canada (en français)
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Concert de l'ensemble The Canadian Brass
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2e Winterfest annuel de Boston
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Réunion (Conseil des gouverneurs - Comité des terrains et bâtiments)
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Qualitative research: Where it has come from, where it is going
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Réunion (Conseil des gouverneurs - Comité des placements)
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Séminaire supérieur - Exploring the many faces of cell death
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