Réunion (Sous-comité des cours et des programmes d'enseignement)
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Réunion (Comité du rendement scolaire - Faculté des sciences)
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The role of nonlinearities in the biophysical properties and biological function of several key subcellular components
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Breaking down walls: New directions in development studies
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Some motives and incentives to the study of natural philosophy: The case of Robert Boyle
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Diophantine equations: From Fermat to Wiles
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Montreal Matters 2005 : Le Travail - Career Development in the Workplace
/desautels |
Breaking down walls: New directions in development studies
/channels |
Réunion (Conseil des gouverneurs - Comité des candidatures et de la gouvernance)
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The multiple functions of Sim1 in the hypothalamus: From development to regulation of food intake
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X-ray based assays in chemical genetics and ligand discovery
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Rational drug design for cancer using molecular dynamics simulations of Tubulin
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Séminaire du GERARD/Centre de recherche en gestion
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Characterization of SmGPCR in Schistosoma mansoni
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Characterization of the CWP2-specific immune response in Giardia muris-infected BALB/c mice
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Cycle de conférences des pdg de la Faculté de gestion
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Réunion (Conseil des gouverneurs - Comité de direction)
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Réunion du Comité du Sénat sur les bibliothèques (CSB)
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Gestion - réunion du conseil de faculté
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Colloque du Département de philosophie - Reconsidering the value of equality
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Life in a small world
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6e Gala annuel du Canada
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Breaking down walls: New directions in development studies
/channels |
Astronomy night: Autumn skies
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Date limite pour abandon de cours par le Web (note de « W »), cours du trimestre d'automne et cours y compris cours du Centre d'éducation permanente (pas de remboursement dans ce cas)
/importantdates |
Coloris d'automne à l'Arboretum
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Dîner en compagnie de Nancy Adler
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Réunion (Conseil des gouverneurs - Comité des terrains et bâtiments)
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Réunion - SOCRATES (Recrutement)
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Réunion (Sous-comité de l'environnement) - ANNULÉ
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Réunion (Comité sénatorial de l'éducation permanente)
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e-articles, e-books and e-talks too
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Réunion de faculté - Faculté des Sciences (diplôme)
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DNA methylations: Silencing genes affecting cancer phenotypes and response to therapy
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Organizing for women's rights in rural Kenya: Experiences of the Samburu Umoja Uaso Women's Group
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Colloque du Département de philosophie - Wittgenstein, the 'mysterious I,' and autobiographical knowledge
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Intellectual property and knowledge diffusion: Is there a conflict?
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Films et documentaires d'Europe de l'Est et de Russie - automne 2005
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Réunion du Club Toastmasters de - concours local
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Food for Thought 2005: Let the sun shine
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