Réunion (Conseil de faculté - Faculté de gestion)
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Portes ouvertes à l'Institut de recherche de l'Hôpital de Montréal pour enfants (HME) - Journée de présentations par affiches
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Atelier de couronnes de Noël
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Party des Fêtes de la section de Californie septentrionale de l'Association des anciens de
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Atelier éouverte : Egyptian mummies (en anglais)
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Cours de cuisine végétarienne
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Accounting & Finance for Non-Financial Managers
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6 é 2004 00:00 à 9 é 2004 00:00 |
Conférence Thomas Willis
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Methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase and formyltetrahydrofolate synthetase activities in cytoplasm & mitochondria of mammalian cells
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Abhor thy neighbors: Repulsive interactions shape trigeminal sensory neuron axon morphologies
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Setting the international agenda for research in irrigation and drainage
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Réunion (Comité des programmes d'études - Faculté des arts)
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Réunion (Comité des programmes d'études - Faculté des sciences de l'agriculture et de l'environnement)
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An occupational therapy intervention aimed at reducing psychosocial risk factors for pain and disability
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Germline epigenetics and X chromatin imprinting in C. elegans
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Restoring endangered seabirds: Lessons from puffins and terns
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Atelier : Creation, management and evaluation of chemical libraries
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Réunion (Sous-comité sur l'enseignement et l'apprentissage)
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Réunion - SOCRATES (Recrutement) - ANNULÉ
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Shakespeare et le théâtre de Victor Hugo
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Réunion de faculté - Faculté des Sciences
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The neurophysiology of perception and attention in the visual cortex
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Réunion du Club Toastmasters de
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Cycle de séminaires éducatifs annuels sur la stérilité et la FIV
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Soirs de scotch à la maison Thompson
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8 é 2004 00:00 à 22 é 2004 00:00 |
Negotiating for Success
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8 é 2004 00:00 à 10 é 2004 00:00 |
Tirage des fêtes au pavillon James
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8 é 2004 00:00 à 17 é 2004 00:00 |
Managing High Performing Teams
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8 é 2004 00:00 à 10 é 2004 00:00 |
Mast cells in asthmatic inflammation: Are they more evil than we first thought?
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Réunion (Comité des affaires étudiantes)
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Réunion (Groupe de travail sur le bâtiment durable)
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Réunion (Directeurs - Faculté des sciences)
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Genetic and functional dissection of the Type 1 Diabetes associated gene, CTLA4
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Water for Humanity, Humanity for Water
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9 é 2004 00:00 à 30 jan 2005 00:00 |
Journée IBM à
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The significance of tropical forest canopies for biodiversity studies
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Of ALKs and Smads: Mechanisms of activin-regulated follicle-stimulating hormone synthesis
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Molecular methods reveal the epidemic nature of urinary tract infections
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Spatial structure, species coexistence and population persistence: Theoretical models and empirical tests
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