

Workshop and Conference on Air Transport, Air & Space Law and Regulation

Sunday, April 12, 2009toThursday, April 16, 2009

The Middle East is one of the fastest growing aviation markets in the world, and the UAE is an integral driver of that robust growth. Information and knowledge are essential to capitalize on the economic opportunities being created in this part of the world. This event constitutes a preliminary three-day Workshop followed by a two-day Conference.

The Workshop is designed to introduce the participant to the basic principles of air transportation, aviation & space law and regulation. It is designed to be useful to lawyers new to the field, as well as airline and airport managers and government officials.

Following that, the International Conference on Air Transport, Law and Regulation: Challenges for the Middle East will addres contemporary issues in the field of aerospace industry, aviation law and regulation. It is designed for aerospace executives and lawyers who already have expertise in these fields, and seek an update on what is new, current, and relevant to today’s air transportation environment, or those who have taken the introductory Workshop.

Many will want to register for both the Workshop and the Conference. Reduced registration fees are available to facilitate such participation. Download our Abu Dhabi Workshop and Conference - Programme and registration [.pdf] document, or just the Registration Form [.pdf] by itself.

Who should attend?

Professionals from civil aviation authorities and transport ministries, airlines, airports, air traffic services providers, aviation security providers as well as personnel of organizations directly involved in supporting the aviation business such as air cargo operators, insurers, risk managers, manufacturers, law and consulting firms, military personnel and international and regional organizations.

This Conference will bring together industry, governmental, legal, financial, and academic experts from around the world to address the most critical issues facing civil aviation in these difficult times, with an emphasis on Middle East and Asian air transportation. Panels will address contemporary issues in aerospace business, law, finance and policy.

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