

Spaces and Publics Workshop

Friday, November 14, 2008 13:00to17:00

The Making Publics Project, a SSHRC-Major Collaborative Research
Initiative based in the English department at º«¹úÂãÎè, is hosting an
afternoon workshop entitled 'Spaces and Publics' this Friday from 1-5pm
in Ferrier rm 230.

Our speakers will be Meredith Donaldson-Clark, Marlene Eberhart, Matthew
Milner, Joe Ward, and Paul Yachnin.

Presentations will be short position papers on the readings listed
below, and will be followed by open public discussion.

Edward W. Soja, Postmodern Geographies: The reassertion of Space in
Critical Social Theory. Verso, 1989. Chapter 1 (History: Geography:
Modernity, pp. 10-42).

Rose Marie San Juan, Rome. A city out of print (Minnesota, 2001).
Chapter 1 "Vagando per la citta" The Printed Bando and the Everyday
Moves of the Street, pp. 23-56.

Sacred Spaced in Early Modern Europe, ed. Will Coster and Andrew Spicer,
Cambridge 2005. Chapter 2 "Sacred church and worldly tavern: reassessing
an early modern divide" pp. 17-38.

Please come and join us!

The Making Publics Team

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