

Modeling root growth and function in heterogeneous soils

Friday, April 27, 2012 11:00
Raymond Building 21111 Lakeshore Road, St Anne de Bellevue, QC, H9X 3V9, CA

You are invited to attend a seminar by Prof. Zed Rengel, School of Earth and Environment, The University of Western Australia.

Prof. Zed Rengel is the Winthrop Professor in the School of Earth and Environment at UWA. His research interests focus on nutrient uptake and ion toxicity in the soil-plant-water-microbe continuum. His work included studies on plant uptake of nitrate, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and calcium as well as micronutrients (zinc, copper and manganese). Among toxic ions, aluminum, arsenic, zinc and sodium feature prominently. The approaches and techniques used range from ion imaging using confocal laser microscopy, to ion-specific microelectrodes, enzyme assays and radioisotope tracking. He has experience in chemical analysis of root exudates, bacterial and fungal communities in the rhizosphere and computer modeling of root growth and plant nutrient uptake. Mechanistic process-based studies in the laboratory and glasshouse are complemented with in situ root analyses in natural and managed ecosystems.

Sponsored by the Department of Natural Resource Sciences, Macdonald Campus.

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