
researchers deliver report on conditions of domestic workers

Sunday, November 9, 2008 15:30to18:30
6767 Côte-des-Neiges, 6767 Côte-des-Neiges, CA

Domestic work is hidden in the Canadian economy. Often informal and part-time, it happens in private homes and is stigmatized as “women’s work.” As a result, many domestic workers are ignored when it comes to their rights. Labour standards are difficult to enforce when one works alone in a private home, where compensation for on-the-job accidents or illness doesn’t exist.

In theory and in law, domestic workers in Quebec are covered by the same Labour Standards as all other employees. But the reality is something else.

School of Social Work Professor Jill Hanley launches a report on the findings of a community-based survey on the often-dangerous working conditions of domestic workers, in collaboration with PINAY, the Filipino Women’s Organization in Quebec.

WHO: Prof. Jill Hanley, School of Social Work and PINAY (Filipino Women’s Organization in Quebec)

WHAT: Report of Community-based survey on the work conditions of Montreal domestic workers, Warning! Domestic work can be dangerous to your immigration status, health, safety and wallet!

WHEN: Nov. 9, from 3:30 p.m. to 6 p.m.

WHERE: 6767 Côte-des-Neiges

Prof. Hanley is available for media interviews before the event. She may be reached at jill.hanley [at] mcgill.ca, or 514-398-4046 or 514-270-0107. Evelyn Calugay, President of PINAY, is also available for comment at 514-364-9833.

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