

Macdonald College Special Remembrance Day Ceremony

Thursday, November 6, 2008 10:30
Raymond Building 21111 Lakeshore Road, St Anne de Bellevue, QC, H9X 3V9, CA

STE. ANNE DE BELLEVUE ā€“ The Macdonald College community invites members of the media and the public to attend a special advance Remembrance Day ceremony on November 6, as a delegation of veterans from the Ste. Anneā€™s Veteranā€™s Hospital gathers at the War Memorial to commemorate the men and women who have served Canada in times of war.

Faculty, staff and students from Macdonald College, John Abbott College and Macdonald High School are extending an invitation to the public to join with them at the War Memorial, located in front of the Raymond Building, at 10:30 a.m. this Thursday.

The ceremony will feature a procession, which will commence at 10:15 a.m. at the entrance to the Raymond Building. It will then move through the complex to the entrance of the Macdonald-Stewart Building, before proceeding to the Centennial Centre, and finally over to the front of Laird Hall. At that moment, the procession will merge with another procession arriving from John Abbott College. Both processions will then move on to the memorial.

Chandra Madramootoo, Dean of Macdonald Collegeā€™s Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, says the Macdonald community is holding the ceremony five days before Remembrance Day because the veterans will have other ceremonies to attend on November 11.

ā€œBy having this event earlier, we want to make sure that we honour our veterans and have them present at our ceremony,ā€ said Madramootoo. ā€œThis is a moving tribute to the sacrifice that they have paid, for us and for our freedom. We are truly honoured to have them here on our campus.ā€

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