

Homecoming: True Nature

Sunday, October 19, 2008 15:00to16:30
Redpath Museum 859 rue Sherbrooke Ouest, Montreal, QC, H3A 0C4, CA

"True Nature" is a play about Victorian fossil hunter Mary Anning by Montreal playwright Colleen Curran, DipEd’81. This staged reading with actors from the Montreal Playwrights’ Workshop will be introduced by Dr. Chris McGowan, Royal Ontario Museum Curator Emeritus of Paleontology and author of "The Dragon Seekers: How An Extraordinary Circle of Fossilists Discovered the Dinosaurs and Paved the Way for Darwin" (2001). Dr. McGowan also produced a CBC Radio program about Mary Anning.

Please note that is available until September 16, 2008. After this date, only phone, fax and mailed-in registrations will be processed.

Cost: Free

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