
Catherine Orenstein of the OpEd Project, New York City: "Whoever Tells the Story Writes History: Public Debate and the Politics of Persuasion"

Monday, March 23, 2009 18:00to19:00
Ferrier Building 840 avenue du Docteur-Penfield, Montreal, QC, H3A 0G2, CA

Catherine Orenstein, Founder and Director of the Op-Ed Project, has contributed to the op-ed pages of the New York Times, Washington Post and Miami Herald. Her opinion pieces on women, popular culture, mythology and human rights have been nationally syndicated and appear in anthologies. She has lectured at Harvard and appeared on ABC TV World News, Good Morning America, MSNBC, CNN and NPR All Things Considered. Her first book, Little Red Riding Hood Uncloaked: Sex, Morality & the Evolution of a Fairy Tale, explores the stories told about women over five hundred years, and how these stories impact our lives. It has been translated into multiple languages and is under consideration for a television series. Newsweek called it “revelatory,” The Wall Street Journal called it “beguiling,” feminist author Naomi Wolf called it “laid back, readable brilliance,” and Harvard folklore authority Maria Tatar wrote, “trained as a folklorist, Orenstein also has a writer’s gift for making her account sparkle with dazzling in–sights.”

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