Bioresource Engineering Senior Seminar Series

Bioresource Engineering Senior Seminar Series
•Martineau - Advanced Computer Security
•Cordeau - Solar Air Heaters to Reduce the Ventilation Heat Load of
Livestock Shelters
•Jusoh - The Effect of Humidified Baking on Open Bread
•Khennache - How Socio-Economic Profiles Can Drive Cooperation Over
Shared Waters: Evidence from Zambezi
Make them part of your regular weekly schedule!
The Effect of Humidified Baking on Open Bread Properties
Yanti Jusoh
Baking is an important step in breadmaking, as it contributes to the setting and changes of bread’s organoleptic and physico-chemical properties. Due to its importance and complexity, extensive studies relating to the impact of thermal processing factors and heating modes on bread have been conducted. None of these studies, however, focused on humidified baking of bread. This presentation focuses on the effect of humidified baking on bread properties. Recent studies have shown this method to produce baked products with greater volume, lighter surface colour, and longer-lasting freshness.
Reviewers: Eduardo Ganem Cuenca, Jesse Ketler, Gopu Nair, Paul Deram
How Socio-Economic Profiles Can Drive Cooperation Over Shared Waters: Evidence from Zambezi
Lylia Khennache
When water is shared by many actors, it implicates politics. It becomes then complex and problematic bearing in mind social, environmental and economic need of each riparian country, trying to consider each countries interests. In Zambezi River, many economic activities are basin’s dependant but are directed by each country, leading negative effects on neighbors’ part of basin, riparian territories, environment and ecosystems. By sailing over socio-economic issues, game theory and transboundary waters management, the main purpose of this presentation is to understand what cooperation is conceived over transboundary water when each country has particular economic, development and social interests.
Reviewers: Lauren Donnelly, Eduardo Ganem Cuenca, Golmar Golmohammadi, Winny Routray, Michael Brodeur
Everyone is welcome and strongly encouraged to attend the BREE Senior Seminars.