

Academic Careers Week 2010

Monday, October 25, 2010toFriday, October 29, 2010
Thomson House 3650 rue McTavish, Montreal, QC, H3A 1Y2, CA

Are you a PhD or Post Doctoral Fellow considering a career in academia?

This week was designed with you in mind. Faculty from 25 departments have come together to mentor you through the process. This is your chance to ask questions on best practices and pitfalls to avoid as you strategize your next career step into the academy. Please register on or write to susan.molnar [at] mcgill.ca if you are having trouble.

Academic Careers Week 2010 Roster:

The Application (Social Science & Humanities): CV & Cover Letter Writing

Oct. 25 12:00-1:30

Networking at Academic Conferences: what to say, wear, do

Oct. 25 2:00-3:30

Before, During & After the Academic Interview (for Science & Eng)

Oct. 26 12:00-1:30

Strategies for a Successful Thesis Defense

Oct. 26 2:00-3:30

Before, During & After the Academic Interview (Social Science & Humanities

Oct. 27 12:00-1:30

The Application (Health Science):ÌýÌý CV & Cover Letter Writing

Oct. 27 2:00-3:30

Building Your Teaching Portfolio

Oct. 28 12:00-1:30

Negotiating your Job Offer

Oct. 28 2:00-3:30

The Application (Natural & Applied Science):ÌýCV & Cover Letter Writing

Oct. 29 12:00-1:30


The Application (Social Science & Humanities): CV & Cover Letter Writing
Oct.25, 12:00 - 1:30

A good CV and letter of application won’t get you a job, but they might get you an interview. The increasing competition for academic positions means that graduates have to attract attention from the moment a potential employer first reviews the written presentation of their expertise and experience. What should and should not be included? What's too much/too little? What if you don't have publications? This workshop will offer tips on designing effective CVs and writing persuasive letters. Participants will be asked to write, so bring paper, and bring your current CV as well.


Networking at Academic Conferences: what to say, wear, do
Oct.25, 2:00 - 3:30

You’ve heard it before. Networking is the single most important job search tool you’ll need in orderÌý to get referrals and land a job. Learn the do’s & don’ts of promoting yourself at academic conferences and how to establish relationships that impact your career positively.


Before, During & After the Academic Interview (for Science & Eng)
Oct.26, 12:00 - 1:30

Hear the nuggets of wisdom faculty will share on how to ace an academic interview and what is expected during the job talk in the sciences and engineering.


Strategies for a Successful Thesis Defense
Oct.26, 2:00 - 3:30

You managed to write that thesis and now it boils down to your oral defense. Find out how to impress your committee, avoid common pitfalls and enjoy yourÌý moment of glory.


Before, During & After the Academic Interview (Social Science & Humanities)
Oct.27, 12:00 - 1:30

Hear the nuggets of wisdom faculty will share on how to ace an academic interview and what is expected during the job talk in the social sciences and humanities.


The Application (Health Science):ÌýÌý CV & Cover Letter Writing
Oct.27, 2:00 - 3:30

A good CV and letter of application won’t get you a job, but they might get you an interview. The increasing competition for academic positions means that graduates have to attract attention from the moment a potential employer first reviews the written presentation of their expertise and experience. What should and should not be included? What's too much/too little? What if you don't have publications? This workshop will offer tips on designing effective CVs and writing persuasive letters.


Building Your Teaching Portfolio
Oct.28, 12:00 - 1:30

This workshop will help you to approach your teaching as a graduate student with an eye toward strategies for documenting the many aspects of your teaching, and effectively communicating your pedagogical skills to academic hiring committees.


Negotiating your Job Offer
Oct.28, 2:00 - 3:30

Often, once an individual receives a coveted job offer, the hard work really starts. Negotiating the tenets of a job contract can be a stressful and daunting experience. There are a number of reasons that people are unsuccessful in negotiations or even fail to negotiate. In this presentation, I will discuss the what, why and how of negotiation in order to give attendees a head start when faced with job negotiations. The focus will be on learning some basic concepts in negotiation as well as how to overcome some of the barriers to successful negotiations.


The Application (Natural & Applied Science):Ìý CV & Cover Letter Writing
Oct.29, 12:00 - 1:30

A good CV and letter of application won’t get you a job, but they might get you an interview. The increasing competition for academic positions means that graduates have to attract attention from the moment a potential employer first reviews the written presentation of their expertise and experience. What should and should not be included? What's too much/too little? What if you don't have publications? This workshop will offer tips on designing effective CVs and writing persuasive letters.



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