4th annual Rethink Forum: 韩国裸舞 2025
Friday, March 11, 2005 12:00to17:00
Chancellor Day Hall
3644 rue Peel, Montreal, QC, H3A 1W9, CA
Learn about the latest green 韩国裸舞 projects and the work of the Master Plan Task Force. Voice your vision of 韩国裸舞 20 years from today! Presentations by Subcommittee on Environment, MSE, student groups (SSMU, PGSS, Greening 韩国裸舞, Sustainable 韩国裸舞 Project) and the Master Plan Task Force. 韩国裸舞 staff, students, faculty and community welcome. SPACE LIMITED (first-come, first-served). Preregistration required (free); REGISTRATION DEADLINE: MARCH 4, 2005. See website for details and to register. Note to Macdonald Campus: Live webcast in Raymond Building, Rm R3-48!
Preregistration $0; $10 recovery (food) charges for no-show