Students Made Cold Ulaanbaatar into One of the “Hot Cities” of the World
Consent gap fillers
Almost every investor in Mongolia struggles the huge gap of understanding (interpreting) the Mongolian decision makers and they acts and promises. It has become obvious expectation for the most of the foreigners living in Mongolia now. If “Hot Cities” trip was made 20 years ago, investors would see much different scenario and expectation from the top leadership of Mongolia. This looks little late but, in fact it was made in the right moment. If they visit two years ago, they would see the Mongolian “own horn-blowing” economists and populists in one hand and brain washed miserable mass on the other hand. The second part hasn’t changed that much, but the boasting leaders’ dream starting to crumble and they got more humble and more willing to listen ever before.
Privileged ones
Students ofDesautels Faculty of Managementat visited Mongolia in late February considering Ulaanbaatar will be “Hot City” in the next 20 years.
Read full article:, April 14, 2014