

Bruno De Oliveira (University of Miami)

Wednesday, November 6, 2024 15:00to16:00

Title: Canonical singularities and surfaces with big cotangent bundle

Abstract: Bigness of the cotangent bundle implies the Green-Griffiths-Lang conjecture for surfaces. We introduce the canonical model singularities (CMS) criterion for bigness of the cotangent bundle for surfaces. The CMS-criterion for bigness involves invariants for canonical singularities that we describe and we give formulas for A_n singularities. We apply the criterion to show the existence of deformations of hypersurfaces in $\PP^3$ with big cotangent bundle for degree $d\ge 8$ and discuss the missing cases $d=5,6,7$. The CMS-criterion leads to conjectures and answers about the geography of

surfaces with big cotangent bundle.

Location: UQAM PK-5675

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