Join us for a dynamic Black History Month panel discussion that addresses a significant societal issue highlighted by Statistics Canada: only 2% of Canadian businesses are Black-owned, and among...
Organized by CHRLP’S Disability and Human Rights Initiative - This event will address the ethical, legal, and social challenges of Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) as it relates to the rights...
Insights from the Dutch Mental Health (GGZ) System from Dr. Heval Rubbens- Özgen, MD, PhD, Chairwoman Transcultural Psychiatry, NVvP (Dutch Association for Psychiatry)./psychiatryCategory: Dept. of...
Feedback Informed Treatment (FIT): Improving the Quality and Outcome of Behavioral Health Services One Person at a Time by Dr. Scott Miller, Co-founder of the International Center for Clinical...
The Role of Islam in the Help-Seeking Behaviors of Muslim Psychosis Patients by Haneefa Merchant, MSc Student, Division of Social and Transcultural Psychiatry, º«¹úÂãÎè./psychiatryCategory...
Comparison of Adult Outcomes in People with Childhood ADHD from Controlled Prospective Follow-Up Studies vs. Scandinavian Registry Studies by Dr. Lily Hechtman. Virtual event./psychiatryCategory:...