On February 3rd, 2025, º«¹úÂãÎè and the XPRIZE will host a symposium at º«¹úÂãÎè in Montreal, Canada, celebrating º«¹úÂãÎè joining the XPRIZE’s Higher Education Network.3450 rue McTavish,...
Xuelin Li
Columbia University
How Does VC Activism Backfire in Startup Experimentation?1001 rue Sherbrooke Ouest, Montreal, QC, H3A 1G5, CA/desautelsCategory:Â Desautels Faculty of Management
The Neuro's Olszewski Lecture, established in 1986, honours Dr. Jerzy Olszewski (1913–1964), a pioneering neuroanatomist and neuropathologist. Invited to The Neuro by Dr.3801 rue University,...