February fee payment deadline. For more information, visit the website http://www.mcgill.ca/student-accounts/your-account/deadlines-and-penalties/./importantdatesCategory:Â Important dates for students
Winter Law Focus Week Workshops: February 23 – February 27, 2026. ALL classes suspended (except 1st year mandatory courses)./importantdatesCategory: Important dates for students
Deadline to web withdraw from courses (grade of "W") or University withdraw (grade of "W--") from Winter 2026 courses (with no fee refund) for students in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences,...
January fee payment deadline. For more information, visit the website http://www.mcgill.ca/student-accounts/your-account/deadlines-and-penalties/./importantdatesCategory:Â Important dates for students
(Tentative Date) Interview dates for selected candidates to the Faculty of Medicine and Health Science’s Fall 2026 MDCM program. By invitation only./importantdatesCategory: Important dates for...
Deadline to Web withdraw (grade of "W") or University withdraw (grade of "W--") from Winter 2026 term courses with full fee refund (less $200 Registration Cancellation Fee for returning students;...
(Tentative Date) Target date for sending of preliminary selections (invitations to interviews) for the Faculty of Medicine and Health Science's Fall 2026 MDCM program./importantdatesCategory:...
Course Change (add/drop) deadline for Winter term courses and Continuing Studies Winter term courses for Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (including Farm Management and Technology), Arts ...