

Thursday, September 28, 2006 15:00to17:00

845 rue Sherbrooke Ouest, Montreal, QC, H3A 2T7, CA/channelsCategory: Administration Academic Policy Committee (APC) Admin & governance

Faculty Council (Law)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009 12:30to14:30

3644 rue Peel, Montreal, QC, H3A 1W9, CA/channelsCategory: Faculty of Law

River Rehabilitation: Learning from the experiences in the UK and Ontario

Monday, February 22, 2010 17:00to19:30

3650 rue McTavish, Montreal, QC, H3A 1Y2, CA/channelsCategory: PGSS

Verification period via Minerva for all students in all faculties...

Monday, September 26, 2011toFriday, September 30, 2011

/importantdatesCategory: Important dates for students

Broadcast — Mini-Psych: The brain - Simultaneously strong and fragile

Tuesday, November 6, 2012 12:00to13:00

/channelsCategory: Canal Savoir broadcast schedule Public lectures and conferences Public outreach Mini lecture broadcasts

The Twilight Zone of Hypnosis, 4:00

Thursday, August 6, 2015 04:00to05:00

Série de rencontres avec des professeurs de la Faculté de médecine de l’Université º«¹úÂãÎè sur les choix de carrières en sciences de la santé./canal-savoirCategory: Canal Savoir broadcast schedule

Guohuan Qiu (º«¹úÂãÎè)

Wednesday, February 22, 2017 13:30to14:30

Title: Rigidity of closed self-similar solution to the Gauss curvature flow805 rue Sherbrooke Ouest, Montreal, QC, H3A 0B9, CA/mathstatCategory: Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics


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