
Good Faith and Contractual Discretion

Tuesday, October 15, 2019 17:30to19:00

Join us for a talk with Michael Bridge, Senior Research Fellow, Harris Manchester College, University of Oxford, and Emeritus Cassel Professor of Commerc3644 rue Peel, Montreal, QC, H3A 1W9, CA...

Open Lab: Plasma Processing

Published: 7 October 2019

Plasma is the 4th state of matter, and represents 99% of the Universe! On Earth, plasmas are observed in auroras and lightning strokes. In your everybody life, they provide the light in fluorescent...

MIIE Hosts a Group of English Language Teachers from Hangzhou Region in People’s Republic of China

Published: 7 October 2019

On 2 October, 2019 the º«¹úÂãÎè International Institute of Education (MIIE) hosted a group of 20 primary and secondary teachers of English as a Foreign Language from the Hangzhou region of People’s...

Delve: Finding the Silver Lining of Workplace Interruptions

Published: 7 October 2019

Can e-mail interruptions actually boost your productivity at work? New research from Prof Alain Pinsonneault says yes; the key is to be mindful and determine task relevance....

Delve: What the Future of Work Holds in the Age of the Learning Algorithm

Published: 7 October 2019

What will your workplace be like in the age of the learning algorithm? New research from Professor Samer Faraj explains why the current technological revolution is unlike any other we’ve seen and...

Delve: Disruption in the Workplace Podcast

Published: 7 October 2019

Yann LeCun, Director of AI at Facebook and 2018 Turing Award recipient, and Desautels Professor of Organizational Behaviour Matissa Hollister answer the burning question: Is AI coming for your job?

Professor Nancy J. Adler receives Lifetime Achievement Award from the International Leadership Association

Published: 7 October 2019

Nancy J. Adler, Professor in Organizational Behaviour and S. Bronfman Chair in Management, will receive the International Leadership Association (ILA)’s prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award in...

It Takes All of Us Student Info Sessions

Tuesday, November 12, 2019 13:30to14:30

McLennan Library Building, CA/involvementCategory: Dean of Students

It Takes All of Us Student Info Sessions

Thursday, October 10, 2019 12:00to13:00

Do you want to learn more about the It Takes All of Us program? The Program Manager will be hosting two info-sessions for students who are interested in learning more about the specifics of the...


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