
Advance your career with great thinkers and educators

Published: 8 November 2019

Sir Martin Sorrell, founder and director of advertising firm S4 Capital, joins Professor Karl Moore on Les Affaires to advocate for lifelong learning, suggesting that one’s education should not end...

Are these the new three Cs of business?

Published: 8 November 2019

Professor Henry Mintzberg shares three common factors that he sees in high functioning companies—change, continuity, and community—and how each of these rely on the delicate balancing of...

A community turns out for Mac Remembrance Day ceremony

Published: 8 November 2019

Students from all levels – elementary, high school, CEGEP and university – take part in annual Remembrance Day ceremony at Macdonald Campus...

Lutte contre le gaspillage alimentaire

Published: 8 November 2019

Le 27 septembre, Greta Thunberg était à Montréal pour parler de l’urgence climatique. Les questions environnementales sont en ce moment à l’avant-scène des enjeux sociaux. « Malheureusement, on...

New understanding of antibiotic synthesis

Published: 8 November 2019

Insight into way enzymes work could shape future therapeutic production...

How to Get Your Family's Needs Met: Self Advocacy for Caregivers workshop

Thursday, November 21, 2019 10:00to11:30

3600 rue McTavish, Montreal, QC, H3A 0G3, CA/involvementCategory: Be well—Resilience International Student Services Student wellness hub

Christmas Poinsettias Sale

Wednesday, December 4, 2019 10:00to13:00

Christmas Poinsettias for Sale 21111 Lakeshore Road, St Anne de Bellevue, QC, H9X 3V9, CA/macdonaldCategory: Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Macdonald Campus


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